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Eric Li, PhD
(He, Him, His)Associate Dean, Professional Graduate Programs; Associate Professor
Faculty of Management, Institute for Community Engaged Research (ICER), Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention (IHLCDP), Interdisciplinary Co-op Education, Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS), Survive and Thrive Applied Research (STAR)
Other Titles: Principal’s Research Chair (Tier 2) in Social Innovation for Health Equity and Food Security, Program Director - Dual Degree Master of ManagementOffice: EME 4125
Office Hours: Mondays: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Phone: 250.807.8853
Email: eric.li@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Consumer culture; Social Innovation and social enterprise, Healthy living and well-being; Food consumption and food security; Digital economy, Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of People (IoP); Digital marketing and consumption, Ethical consumerism and prosocial behaviour, Corporate philanthropy, Circular and sustainable Fashion.
Courses & Teaching
MGMT220/320 Introduction to Marketing (undergraduate)
MGMT441 Marketing Strategy (undergraduate)
MGMT444 Marketing Research (undergraduate)
MGMT449A Digital and Social Media Marketing (undergraduate)
MGMT495 Directed Studies on Fashion Advertising (2012), Digital Consumption and Marketing (2013), Fashion and Cultural Heritage (2014), Family Identity and Consumption (2018)
MGMT536B – Enterprise and Innovation (Marketing module)
MGMT541 – Applied Research Methods
MGMT544A – Applied Project
IGS509 Directed Studies in Interdisciplinary Research Methods (graduate)
IGS515 Qualitative Methods for Management Research (graduate)
IGS520A Special Topics on Digital Marketing and Consumption (graduate)
IGS524 Applied Research Methods (graduate)
Dr. Eric Li joined the Faculty of Management at the University of British Columbia – Okanagan campus in 2011. His Ph.D. in Marketing is from York University, and he received his M.A. in Anthropology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. Li’s research interests include social enterprise and social innovation, not-for-profit marketing, sustainable marketing and consumption, multicultural marketing and consumption, consumer well-being, health promotion, consumer privacy, food economy and market system, fashion and popular culture, and digital marketing and social media marketing.
His work has been published and presented in a number of academic journals and conferences such as the Association for Consumer Research, the American Marketing Association, the Academy of Management Conference, and the Consumer Culture Theory Conference. Eric also served as a reviewer in many academic journals and conferences such as Journal of Business Research, Human Relations, Consumption Markets and Culture, Marketing Letters, International Marketing Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, and Journal of Interactive Advertising as well as at the Association for Consumer Research, American Marketing Association, Consumer Culture Theory, and Global Marketing conferences. In 2013, he served as the track-chair of the China Marketing International Conference. In 2017, Dr. Li started serving on the Editorial Board of the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. From 2021 to 2023, Dr. Li served as the co-chair of the Film Festival of the Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
In 2016, Dr. Li received $64,484 from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council’s Insight Development Grant (IDG) to support his research project “Engaging Stakeholders in Co-Creating a Sustainable Community: A Study of Rural Communities in B.C. Interior.” Dr. Li also received funding from the Mitacs Accelerate Program to support six graduate student internships in the past four years. In 2018, Dr. Li has received another Social Science and Humanities Research Council funding ($21,325) through the Partnership Engage Grant program to support his new initiative, Smart Donate that addresses food insecurity in communities. Dr. Li also received funding from the Mitacs Accelerate Program to support one post-doc fellow and six graduate student internships in the past six years. In addition to these research programs, Dr. Li is also part of a number of multi-disciplinary research projects supported by the tri-council agencies (Canadian Institute of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) and other funding agencies nationally and internationally.
Dr. Li teaches Qualitative Methods in Management Research (graduate-level), Digital Marketing and Consumption (graduate-level), Marketing Strategy (undergraduate-level), Marketing Research (undergraduate-level), and Introduction to Marketing (undergraduate-level) at the University of British Columbia. He also developed directed studies courses on fashion advertising, fashion, design, and culture with senior marketing students in the past years. He was on the University of British Columbia – Okanagan’s Teaching Honour Roll in the 2012-2013 academic year. He was a member of the Scholarships and Awards Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies between 2015 and 2017. He is also been one of the faculty advisors for the campus-wide co-op program at the UBC’s Okanagan campus since 2018. Dr. Li is currently a member of Blockchain@UBC – a collaborative research cluster focusing on Blockchain Technology, the associate member of UBC’s Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention, the member of the Nature Gas Futures cluster under the UBC Clean Energy Research Centre, and the faculty associate at the York Centre for Asian Research. In 2018, Dr. Li was named the Top 40 Under 40 in Kelowna. He also received the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee’s Local Recognition of Outstanding Service Award from the Member of Parliament (Kelowna-Lake Country) in 2022. In 2021, Dr. Li received the Researcher of the Year Award (Social Sciences and Humanities) at the UBC Okanagan campus. In 2022, Dr. Li has been named a member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists from the Royal Society of Canada (RSC).
In addition to his research and teaching, Dr. Li also serves as the regular board member of the Behavioural Research Ethics Board of UBC’s Okanagan campus and the Scholarships and Awards Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies since 2015. He is also one of the faculty advisors for the campus-wide co-op program at UBC’s Okanagan campus. Dr. Li is currently a member of Blockchain@UBC – a collaborative research cluster focusing on Blockchain Technology, the associate member of UBC’s Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention, and the faculty associate at the York Centre for Asian Research. Dr. Li is currently the Program Director of the Dual Degree Master of Management program at UBC Okanagan.
PhD., Schulich School of Business, York University, 2012
MA, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003
BA, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2002
Research Interests & Projects
My teaching interests include marketing strategies, consumer behaviour, qualitative research methods, marketing theory, social marketing, sustainable marketing, social innovation and social design, digital marketing and consumption, branding and advertising, not-for-profit marketing, and international marketing. I believe that a personal connection to our research topics and the practice of applying knowledge both facilitate deep learning. As a result, in my teaching and trainee supervision, I provide real-life examples tailored to my students’ interests and then have my students present case studies—an assignment that prepares them for an end-of-semester experiential learning opportunity with a local industry or community partner organization. My teaching is thus connected to my community-engaged program of research and to the service I perform for my academic and local communities.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Journal Publications
- §Velzeboer, R., Li, E. P. H., Gao, N., Sharp, P., & Oliffe, J. (2024). Masculinity, meat, and veganism: A scoping review. American Journal of Men’s Health (Impact Factor: 2.3) (accepted March 2024).
- §Burton, L., Rush, K. L., Seaton, C. L., Li, E., §Corman, K., Ronquillo, C. E., Davis, S., & Smith, M. A. (2024). Generating User-Driven Patient Personas to Support Preventive Health Care Activities of Rural-Living Unattached Patients. PEC Innovation (published online March 2024).
- §Qi, X.-Z., Li, E. P. H., Wei, Z., and Ning, Z. (2024). Bridging the Valley of Death: Examining University Science Parks’ Influence on Revenue Generation. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 30(5), 1093–1121. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-05-2023-0475
- Seaton, C., Rush, K., Li, E. P. H., Hasan, M. K., and Fawcus, L. (2023). Gluu Essentials digital skills training for middle-aged and older adults that makes skills stick: Results of a pre-post intervention. Journal of Medical Internet Research – Aging, 6, e50345–e50345. https://doi.org/10.2196/50345 (SJR Q1 Journal, Impact Factor 4.9).
- Li, E. P. H. (2023). Fashion Brand Stories. Fashion, Style and Popular Culture, https://doi.org/10.1386/fspc_00222_5 (published online November 03, 2023).
- §Qi, X.-Z., Hu, Z., Sun, L., Li, E. P. H., and Ning, Z. (2023). An Applied Framework for Assessing Sustainability Awareness and Corporate Misconduct Considering Just Transition. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 103, 107261 (Impact Factor: 7.9).
- Cochrane, L., Li, E. P. H., Husain, M., and Lemma, M. D. (2023). Why Foreign Agricultural Investment Fails? Four Lessons from Ethiopia. Journal of International Development, 36(1), 541–558.
- §Esmaeilidouki, A., §Rambe, M., Ardestani-Jaafari, A., Li, E., and Marcolin, B. (2023). Food Bank Operations: Review of OR Methods and Challenges During COVID-19. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1783.
- Haverila, M., Li, E., Twyford, J.C. and McLaughlin, C. (2023). The quality of big data marketing analytics (BDMA), user satisfaction, value for money and reinvestment intentions of marketing professionals. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 25(1), 30–52. https://doi.org/10.1108/JSIT-10-2022-0249.
- §Bin, J., Gardiner, B., Liu, H., Li, E., and Liu, Z. (2023). RHPMF: A Context-Aware Matrix Factorization Approach for Understanding Regional Real Estate Market. Information Fusion, 94, 229–242 (Impact Factor: 17.564).
- §Arulnathan, V., Heidari, M. D., Doyon, M., Li, E. P. H., and Pelletier, N. (2023). Economic Indicators for Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: Going Beyond Life Cycle Costing. Sustainability, 15(1), 13 (Impact Factor: 3.889).
- §Leimbigler, B., Li, E. P. H., Rush, K., and Seaton, C. (2023). Response to Buse et al.’s letter to the editor. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 114(1), 154–155 (SJR Q2 Journal, Impact Factor: 4.645).
- §Jain, R., Li, E. P. H., and Lee, J. (2023). The Role of the Indian Political Regime in Higher Education Reforms for Innovation Drive: Key Comparisons with China. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 58(8), 1665–1685. https://doi.org/10.1177/00219096221097666.
- Seaton, C.L., Rondier, P., Rush, K.L., Li, E. P. H., Plamondon, K., Pesut, B., Oelke, N. D., Dow-Fleisner, S., Hasan, K., Currie, L. M., Kurtz, D., Jones, C., & Bottorff, J. L. (2022). Community Stakeholder-Driven Technology Solutions Towards Rural Health Equity: A Concept Mapping Study in Western Canada. Health Expectations, 25(6), 3202–3214 (SJR Q1 Journal, Impact Factor: 3.318).
- §Wang, H.-K., Liu, Z., §Bin, J., §Zaji, A., §Guillaume, F., Li, E. (2022). A multi-task learning-based framework for global maritime trajectory and destination prediction with AIS data. Maritime Transport Research, 3, 100072.
- Rush, K., Burton, L., Seaton, C., Smith, M.A., Li, E., Ronquillo, C., Hasan, K., Davis, S., and Mattei, M. (2022). A Cross-sectional Study of the Preventive Health Care Activities of Western Canadian Rural-Living Patients Unattached to Primary Care Provider. Preventive Medicine Reports, 29, 101913. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.2022.101913 (SJR Q1 Journal, Impact Factor: 2.5).
- Rush, K., Seaton, C. L., §Corman, K., §Hawe, N., Li, E., Dow-Fleisner, S. J., Hasan, K., Oelke, N. D., Currie, L. M., and Pesut, B. (2022). Virtual Care Prior to and During COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Rural and Urban Adults. Journal of Medical Internet Research Formative Research, 6(8): e37059 DOI: 10.2196/37059 (Impact Factor 7.08).
- §Jonnatan, L., Seaton, C.L., Rush, K.L.; Li, E.P.H.; Hasan, K. (2022). Mobile Device Usage before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Rural and Urban Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 8231. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19148231 (SJR Q2 Journal, Impact Factor: 4.614).
- Dow-Fleisner, S., Seaton, C. L., Li, E., Plamondon, K., Oelke, N. D., Kurtz, D., Jones, C., Currie, L. M., Pesut, B., Hasan, K., & Rush, K. L. (2022). Internet access is a necessity: A latent class analysis of COVID-19 related challenges and the role of technology use among rural community residents. BMC Public Health, 22, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-13254-1 (SJR Q1 Journal, Impact Factor: 1.987).
- §Leimbigler, B., Li, E. P. H., Rush, K., and Seaton, C. (2022). Social, Political, Commercial and Corporate Determinants of Rural Health Equity in Canada An Integrated Framework. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 113, 749–754 (SJR Q2 Journal, Impact Factor: 2.448).
- Li, E. P. H., §Chow, M., Liu, W.-S., Lam, M. M.-L., Prasad, A. (2022). Queering Consumption: The Discursive Construction of Sexual Identity among Gay Fashion Consumers in Hong Kong. Fashion, Styles, and Popular Culture, 10(1–2), 167–192. https://doi.org/10.1386/fspc_00144_1 ).
- Davis, J., Li, E., Butterfield, M. S., DiLabio, G., §Santhagunam, N., and Marcolin, B. (2022). Are we failing female and racialized academics? A Canadian national survey examining the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on tenure and tenure-track faculty. Gender, Work & Organization, 29(3), 703–722 (ABDC “A” Journal, Impact Factor: 5.8).
- Rush, K.L., Singh, S., Seaton, C.L., §Burton, L., Li, E., Jones, C., Davis, J., Hasan, K., Kern, B., & Janke, R. (2022). Telehealth use for enhancing health of rural older adults: A systematic mixed studies review. The Gerontologist, 62(10):e564–e577. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnab141. PMID: 34661675. (Impact factor: 5.422).
- §Santhagunam, N., Davis, J., Li, E., and Buschert, K. (2021). A Theoretical Framework to Improve Adherence among Older Adults to Recommendations Received at a Falls Prevention Clinic: A Narrative Review. Applied Nursing Research, 62: 151493. doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2021.151493. PMID: 34814997 (Impact Factor: 2.257).
- Lam, M. M.-L., Li, E. P. H., Lam, E. Y.-N., and Liu, W.-S. (2021). Aesthetic Experiences and Design Creativity: An Ethnographical Study of a Wool Felting Design Workshop. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 14(3), 375–386 (Impact Factor: 1.135).
- Woodmass, K., Graham, J., Bailey, Q., Li, E. P. H., and Lomness, A. (2021). Organizational Change in Health, Human, and Social Services: A Review and Content Analysis. Human Service Organization – Management, Leadership & Governance, 47(3), 236–246 (Impact Factor 1.145).
- §Ma, Z., Wang, L., Li, E. P. H., and Zhang, J. (2021). A Staged Model for Inter- vs. Intrachannel Trust Transfer on an Online-to-offline (O2O) Platform. Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, 39(2), 151–167.
- §Yuan, V. Y. Y., Lam, M. M.-L., Li, E. P. H., and Liu, W.-S. (2021). The New Representations of Chinese Aesthetic: A Case Study of Four Chinese Fashion Brands. Journal of Textile Science & Fashion Technology, 8(4), JTSFT.MS.ID.000698. DOI: 10.33552/JTSFT.2021.07.000698.
- Rush, K., Seaton, C., Li, E., Pesut, B., and Oelke, N. (2021). Rural health service and telemedicine use during COVID-19: The role of access and eHealth literacy. Health Informatics Journal, 27(2), 14604582211020064. doi: 10.1177/14604582211020064. PMID: 34041936. (Impact Factor: 3.0) (featured COVID-19 research article by Sage Open Access).
- Lam, M. M.-L., Li, E. P. H., and Liu, W.-S. (2021). Dissociative Consumer Acculturative Forces through Fashion Practices: An Exploratory Study of Youth Consumers in Urban Guangzhou, China. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 25(4), 723–747.
- Chen, R. R., Wang, L., Li, E. P. H., and Wu, G. (2021). Microdivisionalization as a Way toward Dynamic Capability. Management Decision, 59(3), 506–523. https://doi.org/10.1108/MD-09-2019-1329.
- Li, E. P. H., Min, H. J., and §Lee, S. (2021). Soft Power and Nation Rebranding: The Transformation of Korean National Identity through Cosmetic Surgery Tourism. International Marketing Review, 38(1), 141–162 (ABDC “A” Journal, Impact Factor: 3.447).
- §Pokhrel, S. R., Hewage, K., §Chhipi-Shrestha, G., §Karunathilake, H., Li, E. P. H., and Sadiq, R. (2021). Carbon capturing for emissions reduction at building level: A market assessment from a building management perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 294, 126323 (ABDC “A” Journal, Impact Factor: 7.246).
- Heidari, D., §Gandasamita, S., Pelletier, N., and Li, E. (2021). Proposing a Framework for Sustainable Feed Formulation for Laying Hens: A Systematic Review of Recent Developments and Future Directions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 288, 125585 (ABDC “A” Journal, Impact Factor: 7.246).
- §Tai, D., Li, E., Liu-Ambrose, T., Bansback, N., Sadatsafavi, M., and Davis, J. (2020), “Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) to Support Adherence to Falls Prevention Clinic Recommendations: A Qualitative Study,” Patient Preference and Adherence, 2020(14), 2105–2121, https://doi.org/10.2147/PPA.S269202 (Impact Factor: 1.946).
- Liu, W.-S., Li, E. P. H., and Lam, M. (2020), “Double “In-Process” Identity Project: An Ethno-semiotic Study of the Transformation of New Chinese Young Consumers in Shanghai,” Fashion, Style & Popular Culture, 10(3), 331–350. https://doi.org/10.1386/fspc_00050_1.
- §Bin, J., Gardiner, B., Li, E. P. H., and Liu, Z. (2020), “Multi-Source Urban Data Fusion for Property Value Assessment: A Case Study in Philadelphia,” Neurocomputing, 404(3), 70–83 (Impact Factor: 4.072).
- Lam, M., Li, E. P. H., Liu, W.-S. and Lam, E. Y.-N. (2020), “Introducing Participatory Action Research to Vocational Fashion Education: Theories, Practices, and Implications,” Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 4(3), 415–433. DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2020.1765844.
- §Arulnathan, V., Heidari, M. D., Doyon, M., Li, E. P. H., and Pelletier, N. (2020), “Farm-level decision support tools: A review of methodological choices and their consistency with principles of sustainability assessment,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, 120410 (ABDC “A” Journal, Impact Factor: 6.395).
- §Shi, F., §Peng, X., Liu, Z., Li, E., and §Hu, Y. (2020). A Data-Driven Approach for Pipe Deformation Prediction Based on Soil Properties and Weather Conditions. Sustainable Cities and Society, 55, 102012 (Impact Factor: 4.624).
- §Bin, J., Gardiner, B., Liu, Z., and Li, E. (2019). Attention-based multi-model fusion for improved real estate appraisal: a case study in Los Angeles. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78, 31163–31184 (Impact Factor: 2.101 [2018]).
- §Bin, J., Gardiner, B., Li, E., and Liu, Z. (2019). Peer-Dependence Valuation Model for Real Estate Appraisal. Data-Enabled Discovery and Applications, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41688-018-0027-0.
- Li, E. P. H., Prasad, A., §Smith, C., §Lewis, E., §Gutierrez, A., and Brown, B. (2019). Visualizing Community Pride: Engaging Community through Photo/Video-Voice Campaigns. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 14(4), 377–392 (nominated for Best Paper Award).
- §Shi, F., §Liu, Y., Liu, Z., and Li, E. (2018). Prediction of Pipe Performance with Staking Ensemble Learning based Approaches. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 34, 3845–3855. (Impact Factor: 1.426 [2018]).
- Li, E. P. H., §Li, F., Zhao, X., Lam, M., and Liu, W.-S. (2018). The Production of Modern Girl Archetypes in Luxury Fashion Advertisements in Contemporary China. Fashion, Style and Popular Culture, 5(2), 201–220.
- Li, E. P. H. and Prasad, A. (2018). From Wall 1.0 and Wall 2.0: Graffiti, Social Media, and Ideological Acts of Resistance and Recognition among Palestinian Refugees. American Behavioral Scientist 62(4), 493–511 (Impact Factor: 3.450).
- Li, E. P. H., Lam, M., and Liu, W.-S. (2018). Consuming Counterfeit: A Study of Consumer Moralism in China. International Journal of Consumer Studies 42(3), 367–377 (ABDC “A” Journal, Impact Factor: 1.555 [2016]).
- Wang, L., Li, E. P. H., and Ding, S. X. (2018). Does Deliberate Learning Lead to Dynamic Capability? The Role of Organizational Schema for Kodak, 1993–2011. Journal of Strategy and Management, 11(1), 52–80.
- Holder, M. D., §Passmore, H.-A., Broom, C., Berg, S., Li, E. P. H., Hickey, R., and Martin, C. (2016). Walls of Well-Being (WOWs): A Pilot Study of a New Methodology to Explore Children’s and Adolescents’ Perceived Sources of Happiness. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 1(1–3), 91–106.
- Doberstein, C., Hickey, R. and Li, E. P. H. (2016). Nudging NIMBY: Do positive messages regarding the benefits of increased housing density influence resident stated housing development preferences? Land Use Policy, 54, 276–289. (2016 Impact Factor: 3.089).
- Li, E. P. H. (2015). Social Media: A Critical Introduction. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 19(3), 315–317. (ABDC “B” Journal, Impact Factor: 1.585).
- Joy, A. and Li, E. P. H. (2012). Studying Consumption Behaviour through Multiple Lenses: An Overview of Consumer Culture Theory. Journal of Business Anthropology, 1 (Spring), 141–173.
- Belk, R. W., Seo, J. Y. and Li, E. P. H. (2007). Dirty Little Secret: Home Chaos and Professional Organizers. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 10(2), 133–140.
- Li, P. H., To, C. K. M., Wong, Y. H., and Chang, J. M. T. (2006). Managing Knowledge in Fashion Businesses: A Survey of Contemporary Tools for Coordination and Collaboration. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 10(2), 83–92.
- Li, P. H., To, C. K. M., Wong, Y. H., and Chang, J. M. T. (2005), “Managing Knowledge in Fashion Businesses: A Contextual Review,” Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 9(2), 97–104.
Edited Book
- Rhee, J., Nagayama, C., and Li, E. P. H. (eds.) (2021). Gender and Food in Transnational East Asias: Toward a New Dialogue Across Boundaries. Maryland: Lexington Books.
Book Chapters
- Li, E. P. H., He, S. G., Lam, M. M.-L., and Liu, W.-S. (2023). Utopia and Dystopia: Consumer Privacy and China’s Social Credit System. In Consumer Culture Theory in Asia: History and Contemporary Issues, Yuko Minowa and Russell W. Belk (eds), Routledge Frontiers in the Development of International Business, Management and Marketing, Routledge, 159–178.
- He, S., Li, E. P. H., and §Husain, M. (2021). The Power of Digital Integration: The Normalization of Tracking and Surveillance Technologies. In Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption (ed., R. Llama and R. W. Belk). Routledge: London, 447–460.
- Rhee, J., Nagayama, C., and Li, E. P. H. (2021). Introduction. In Gender and Food in Transnational East Asias: Toward a New Dialogue Across Boundaries (eds., J. Rhee, C. Nagayama, and E. P. H. Li). Maryland: Lexington Books, 1–12.
- Li, E. P. H., §Lee, S., and §Husain, M. (2021). Fashioning K-Food: New Gendered Space and Culture in Korea. In Gender and Food in Contemporary East Asia (eds., J. Rhee, C. Nagayama, and E. P. H. Li). Maryland: Lexington Books, 223–246.
- §Yue, A. X. P. and Li, E. P. H. (2021). Reconstruction of Gender: A Study of Online Gaming Communities in Shanghai, China. In The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Studies (ed. C. C. Shei).
- §Bin, J., Gardiner, B., Li, E., and Liu, Z. (2021). Extreme randomized trees for real estate appraisal with housing and crime data. In Artificial Intelligence: Models, Algorithms and Applications, ed. T. S. Kristensen, Sharjah, UAE: Bentham Books, 83–97.
- Li, E. P. H. (2017). Cognitive styles and personality in risk perception. In Consumer Perception of Product Risks and Benefits, eds. G. Emilien, R. Weitkunat and F. Luedicke. Neuchâtel, Switzerland: Springer, 267-282.
- Li, E. P. H., Min, H. J., Belk, R. W., Kimura, J., and Bahl, S. (2015). Skin Lightening and Beauty in Four Asian Cultures. In Russell Belk, Sage Legends in Marketing, New Delhi: Sage.
- Belk, R. W., Seo, J. Y. and Li, E. P. H. (2015). Dirty Little Secret: Home Chaos and Professional Organizers. In Russell Belk, Sage Legends in Marketing, New Delhi: Sage.
- Fischer, E., Otnes, C. C., Winegard, B., Li, E. P. H., and Wilner, S. J. S. (2009). Are We There yet? Co-Producing Success and Failure in a ‘Consumer-Intensive’ Service Context. In Explorations in Consumer Culture Theory, eds. J. F. Sherry, Jr. and E. Fischer, London and New York: Routledge, 101–113.
§ – trainee contributors
Conference Presentations (* – presenters)
- §Taji, A., *Wilner, S., & Li, E. (2024). To “B” or Not To “B” a B-Corp: Legitimizing A Purposeful Corporate Brand Identity. American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference. St. Pete’s Beach, Florida, February 23–25, 2024.
- *Seaton, C. L.,§Burton, L., Rush, K. L.,§Corman, K., Smith, M. A., & Li, E. H. (Nov 29, 2023). Differences in preventive care uptake in attached and unattached rural-living adults: A cross-sectional study. Presentation at the virtual BC Rural Health Research Exchange (BCRHRx).
- §Taji, A., & *Li, E. (2023). Consumer Ambiguity and Skepticism: Interacting with Brands’ Paradoxical Identity during the Age of Catastrophe. Association for Consumer Research Conference. Seattle, Washington, October 26–29.
- *§Han, B., Ahmadi Diqehsara, A., Ardestani-Jaafari, A., Li, E. (2022). Food Accessibility at Food Banks in Canada in the Face of Higher Transportation Costs. POMS India International Conference 2022, India, December 21–23.
- *Li, E. H. (2022). Role of the Arts in Ill and Injured CAF Members and Veterans’ Recovery and Rehabilitation in Canada. Workshop held at the CIMVHR Forum 2022, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 17–19.
- *§Mayzes-Kotulla, E., *§Giri, A., Li, E., Rush, K., & Ronquillo, C.E. (2022). Requirements specification for a makerspace for rural communities in British Columbia. Paper presented at the Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC). March 20 (online presentation).
- *§Mayzes-Kotulla, E., *§Giri, A., Li, E., Rush, K., & Ronquillo, C.E. (2022). Requirement Specification for a makerspace for rural communities in British Columbia. UBC Okanagan Interdisciplinary Student Health Conference (IDHC). March 10 (online presentation).
- *§Corman, K., §Hawe, N., Rush, K., Li, E., Seaton, C. L., Dow-Fleisner, S., Hasan, K., Oelke, N., Pesut, B., Plamondon, K., & Currie, L. (2021). BC Communities technology use survey: Mental health needs increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, but did access? November 23. BC Rural Health Research Exchange (BCRHRx) (online presentation).
- *§Hawe, N., §Corman, K., Rush, K., Li, E., Seaton, C. L., Dow-Fleisner, S., Hasan, K., Oelke, N., Pesut, B., Plamondon, K., & Currie, L. (2021). BC Communities technology use survey: A comparison of rural/urban virtual care use and satisfaction during COVID-19. November 23. BC Rural Health Research Exchange (BCRHRx) (online presentation).
- *§Giri, A., *§Mayzes-Kotulla, E., Ronquillo, C., Rush, K., & Li, E. (2021). A mobile MakerSpace to support inclusive patient and community-led technology solutions for rural health and wellness. November 23. BC Rural Health Research Exchange (BCRHRx) (online presentation).
- *§Walczak, W., *Li, E. P. H., Nelson, S. and Muscardin, A. (2021). Time Compression: A Rhythmanalysis of a Consumer’s Everyday Life. Association for Consumer Research North American Conference (Film Festival), Seattle, United States, October 28–30. (online presentation).
- *§Rambe, M., Ardestani-Jaafari, A., Li, E., §Esmaeili, A., Marcolin, B. (2021). Food Bank Operations: A Systematic Review of Operational Research Methods Challenges. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Anaheim, United States, October 24–27 (online presentation).
- *§Husain, M. M., *Babbar, M., *He, G. S., *Hanlon, R., *Li, E. (2021). Governmentality Amid Public Health Crisis and Beyond – Cases And Examples From Asia (Roundtable Discussion). Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies: Shifting Paradigms in Asian Studies. Provo, Utah, October 09.
- *Li, E. P. H. and *§Husain, M. (2021). Surveillance Technology and Agency: How does China’s Social Credit System Redefine Human Rights? Workshop on Canada and the Indo-Pacific Strategic Environment, Thompson River University, Kamloops, September 25 (online presentation).
- *Li, E. P. H., and *Lam, M. M. L. (2021). Fashioning Gay: A Case of Gay Men’s Fashion Consumption in Hong Kong. Fashion Style & Queer Culture Conference, Drexel University, United States, May 21–22 (online presentation).
- *§Parker, A. and Li, E. (2021). Sustainable Fashion: A Systematic Review. The American Marketing Association Winter Conference 2021 (online presentation).
- *§Tao, S. H. and Li, E. (2021). Re-Made Authenticity – The Rise of Li Ziqi as Cultural Successor. The American Marketing Association Winter Conference 2021 (online presentation).
- *§Sood, V., Ardestani-Jaafari, A. and Li, E. (2020). Food Waste Management: A Systematic Review. 2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., United States, November 08–13 (online presentation).
- *Li, E. and *Belk, R. W. (2020). Consuming Order & Discipline. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Paris, France, October 1–4 (online presentation).
- *Rhee, J., *Li, E., *Nagayama, C., and *Minowa, Y. (2020). Exploring the Intersections of Gender and Food in East Asia: From Material Culture to Symbolic Practices (Roundtable). AAS-in-Asia Conference, Kobe, Japan, August 31–September 04 (online panel discussion).
- *Seaton, C., *Li, E. and *Rush, K. (2020). Social Enterprise and Technology Synergies: Concept Mapping as a Tool for Collaborating with Rural Community Stakeholders to Identify Equitable Solutions. BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit, June 29–30.
- *Fang, D., He, G., and Li, E. (2020). The Use of Consumer Goods in Promoting Gender Equality. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, June 12–15.
- Rush, K. and *Li, E. (2020). Social Enterprise and Technology Synergies: Concept Mapping as a Tool for Collaborating with Rural Community Stakeholders to Identify Equitable Solutions. Rural Health Equity Conference, Nelson, British Columbia, May 14–15 (postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic)
- *Lam, M., Li, E., §Chung, M. Y., and Liu, W. S. (2020). The Examination of Practicality and Sociality of Fashion-clothing among Indonesian Maid’s Acculturation Experience in Hong Kong. The International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes (IFFTI) Annual Conference 2020, Kent and Cleveland, Ohio, March 24–26 (cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic).
- *§Okuku, P. S. and *Li, E. (2019). Materializing the Family Bond: Emotion Transportation through Significant Possessions. Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Montreal, Quebec, July 17 to 19.
- *Min, H. J. and Li, E. (2018). The Desire for a New Face: The Emergence of Cosmetic Surgery Tourism and the Transformation of South Korean National Identity. 2018 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, July 26 to 29.
- * Prasad, A. and Li, E. (2018). Scientific Misconduct in the Field of Organizational and Management Studies. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, May 27 to 29.
- Li, E., *§Smith, C. and Hemphill, M. (2018). Food Consumption and Food Security in Revelstoke. 2018 Rural Health Research Conference, Nelson, British Columbia, May 31 to June 1.
- *Lam, M., Liu, W. S., Li, E., Ho, H. T., and Lai, J. (2018). From Social to Design Dialogue: Community-Based Research in Fashion Design Pedagogy. International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes (IFFTI) Annual Conference 2018, Shanghai, China, April 9–13.
- *Li, E. and *Leong, J. (2017). Art, Design, Cultural Identity and Politics: Understanding Contemporary Social Integration among Chinese and Chinese Canadians in the Millennium. Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference 2018, Washington D.C., March 22–25 (Panel Co-Organizer and Presenter).
- *§Shi, F., §Peng, X.,§Liu, H.,§Hu, Y., Liu, Z., and Li, E. (2018). Soil-Pipe Interaction for Pipe Behavior Prediction with Super Learning based Methods. the SPIE (The International Society for Optics and Photonics) Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation Conference 2018, Denver, Colorado, March 4–8.
- *Li, E., Zhao, X.,§Li, F., Lam, M., and Liu, W. S. (2017). Fashion Brands as Resources for Chinese Modern Girl Archetypes. Association for Consumer Research Conference, San Diego, California, October 26–29.
- *Li, E.,§Smith, C., §Weseen, S., and Zhao, X. (2017). My Meal, My Recipe – Social Media Intervention on Healthy Eating. Association for Consumer Research Conference, San Diego, California, October 26–29
- §Bin, J., *§Tang, S., §Wang, G., Gardiner, B., Liu, Z., and Li, E. (2017). Regression Model for Appraisal of Real Estate using Recurrent Neural Network and Boosting Tree. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA 2017), Beijing, China, September 8–11.
- *§Shi, F., Liu, Z., and Li, E. (2017). Prediction of Pipe Performance with Ensemble Machine Learning-based Approaches. 2017 International Conference on Sensing, Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Control, Shanghai, China, August 16–18.
- Li, E. and *Prasad, A. (2017). Consolidating Wall 1.0 and Wall 2.0: Graffiti, Social Media, and Ideological Acts of Resistance and Recognition among Palestinian Refugees. Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, May 29–June 2.
- Li, E., *Lam, M., Lam, E., and Liu, W. S. (2016). Challenges to Experiential Learning in Fashion and Design Education: Reflections on the Journey of Fashionthnography. Cumulus – Open Design for E-very-thing – exploring new design purposes, Hong Kong, November 21–24.
- *Lam, M., * Lam, E., Li, E., and Liu, W. S. (2016). Speaking of Design Experiences: A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Everyday Aesthetic Discourse in Design Representation. Cumulus – Open Design for E-very-thing – exploring new design purposes, Hong Kong, November 21–24. (Art Installation)
- *Lee, E., *Lam, M., and Li, E. (2016). Design Ethnography and Inheritance: The Revitalization of Hakka Tradition in Fashion Collection. Cumulus – Open Design for E-very-thing – exploring new design purposes, Hong Kong, November 21–24. (Fashion Collection)
- *Li, E. and Lee, S. (2016). Re-defining Asian Brands in the Global Marketplace. Global Marketing Conference 2016, Hong Kong, July 21–24.
- Lam, M., *Liu, W. S., Liu, C., and *Li, E. (2016). Can Buying Fakes Make You a Bad Person? The (Re)signification of Consumer Moral Identity through Engaging in Counterfeiting in Hong Kong. Global Marketing Conference 2016, Hong Kong, July 21–24.
- *§Yue, A. and Li, E. (2016). Doing Gender in the Emerging Digital Youth Culture: A Case Study of the Chinese Online Gaming Community. Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Lille, France, July 6–9.
- §Yue, A. and *Li, E. (2016). Online Gaming Communities in Shanghai: Reconstruction of Gender among Middle-Class Youth in an Emerging Economy. The “Middle Classes in East Asia’s Global Cities: Spaces, Communities, and Lifestyles” International Workshop, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, June 21–23.
- *Lam, M., Liu, W. S., Lam, E., and Li, E. (2016). Participatory Action Research and Fashion Education: Theories, Practices, and Implications. International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes Annual Conference 2016, Beijing, China, March 22–27. (Best Paper Award)
- *Li, E., *Peters, S., and *West, M. (2016). Affordable Housing – Regional and International Perspectives. Urbanizing Okanagan Symposium, Kelowna, B.C., March 11.
- *Li, E., Liu, W. S., §Yuan, V., Lam, E., and Lam, E. (2015). Democratization of Fashion: A Study of Co-Creation of Cultural Heritage. Association for Consumer Research Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 1–4.
- *Li, E., Doberstein, C., Hickey, R.,§Sekhon, S., and Culver, K. (2015). Co-Creating a Sustainable Community. Association for Consumer Research Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 1–4.
- *Li, E. (2015). Deliberate Learning, Dynamic Capability, and Organizational Schema: A Case Study of Kodak. Academy of Management Conference 2015, Vancouver, B.C., August 9–11.
- *Liu, W. S., Li, E., Lam, M., §Yuan, V., and Lam, E. (2015). Heritage, Fashion, and Design. The 6th Annual Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, June 29–July 2.
- *Li, E. and Nguyen, T. (2015). Learning Privacy: A Study on How Consumers Manage Privacy in Social Networking Sites. Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Fayetteville, Arkansas, June 18–21.
- *Nguyen, T. and Li, E. (2015). The Privacy of Consumers: How Consumers Learn to Manage Their Privacy. American Marketing Association 2015 Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Washington D.C., June 4–6.
- *Zhu, Y. and Li, E. (2015). The Influence of Visual Representations on Consumers’ Selection on Future Experiences. American Marketing Association – Winter Educator Conference, San Antonio, Texas, February 13–15.
- Nguyen, T., *Li, E., and *Mukherjee, S. (2014). Just for Fun? Constructing Self through Selfies. Association for Consumer Research (North American) Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, October 23–26.
- *Nguyen, T., Li, E. and *Mukherjee, S. (2014). Consuming Selfie. American Marketing Association – Summer Educator Conference, San Francisco, California, August 1–3.
- *Liu, W. S., Li, E., Lam, M., and Lam, E. (2014). Production of Extended Self: Integrating Life Experience in Fashion Design. Global Marketing Conference, Singapore, July 15–18.
- *Joy, A., Li, E., Zhu, Y., Wang, J., and Charter, S. (2013). A Multi-Sensory Understanding of the Wine Consumption Experience. Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE), Stellenbosch, South Africa, June 26–29.
- *Li, E. and *Figueiredo, B. (2013). Mobile Ethnicities in Global Cities. Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Tucson, Arizona, June 13–15.
- *Zhu, Y., Li, E., and §Madhumita, F. (2013). A Longitudinal Study of Online Market Integration Among British Columbia Wineries. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 8–11.
- *Li, E. (2012). Homey Home: Representations of an Ideal Home in Hong Kong. Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, March 15–18.
- *Nguyen, T. and Li, E. (2011). Consumer Privacy in Social Networking Cyberspace. Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Washington D.C., June 2–4.
- *Li, E. (2010). Construction of Ethnicity in a Multicultural Marketplace. Consumer Behaviour Winter Research Camp, Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, January 29.
- *Li, E. (2009). Construction of Ethnicity in a Multicultural Marketplace. Marketing Research Seminar Series, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Ontario, September 25.
- Li, E., *Darmody, A., and Tsang, A. (2009). Dynamics of Creative Consumer Community. Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 11–14.
- *Belk, R. W., Seo, J., and Li, E. (2009). The Tyranny of Possessions: Control, Clutter, Chaos, and Home Organizers. Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, Tampa, Florida, February 5–7.
- *Li, E., Belk, R. W., and Joy, A. (2008). Disney Dreams in China. Transformations: Researching Asia, First York Centre for Asian Research Graduate Student Conference, Toronto, Ontario, September 25–26.
- Li, E., *Belk, R. W., and Joy, A. (2008). Disney Dreams in China. Association for Consumer Research – Latin American Conference (Film Festival), San Paolo, Brazil, July 31–August 3.
- *Zhang, S. and Li, E. (2008). Consumer Self Identity and Group Belongingness in Social Networking Sites. The 27th Annual Advertising and Consumer Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 1–2.
- Belk, R. W., Bahl, S., Kimura, J., Min, H. J., and *Li, E. (2007). Consuming Whiteness in Asia. Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Toronto, Ontario, May 26–27.
- *Fischer, E., Otnes, C. C., Winegard, B., Li, E., and Wilner, S. (2007). Are We There Yet? Co-Producing Success and Failure in a ‘Consumer-Intensive’ Service Context. Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Toronto, Ontario, May 26–27.
- *To, C., Wong, Y. H., Chang, J., and Li, E. (2004). Technology tools for Managing Collaboration Process in Globalizing Textile Industry. World Textile Conference – 4th AUTEX Conference, Roubaix, June 22–24.
* – presenters
Selected Grants & Awards
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) – Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program (CREATE) (NSERC CREATE Training Network for CLImate Smart Agriculture (CLISA)) (CAD1,650,000) (Co-I, PI: Dr. Xander Wang)
- Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) – Team Grant program (Building capacity for a sustainable and equitable healthcare workforce in rural, remote and Indigenous communities by implementing innovative team-based hybrid care) (CAD745,056) (Co-I, PI: Dr. Anurag Singh)
- New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) (DIGITY: DIGital inclusion through social Innovation and TechnologY synergies in rural communities: A multi-disciplinary and multi-country collaboration) (CAD492,565) (Co-PI with Dr. Kathy Rush)
- UBCO Eminence Research Cluster Fund (Battery Innovation Cluster) (CAD487,750) (Co-I, PI: Dr. Jian Liu)
- SSHRC – Insight Development Grant (A novel decision-support approach for exploring and analyzing factors affecting Canadian food industry performance) (CAD68,132) (Co-I, PI: Dr. Babak Tosarkani)
- Department of National Defense (Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) 1b Program) – CAD959,200 (PI)
- IC-IMPACTS (Exploration of an Intra- and Inter-national Blockchain-powered and Physical Internet-enabled Food Supply Chain Traceability System in Canada and India) – CAD24,000 (PI)
- CIMVHR True Patriot Love Research Initiative (True Patriot Love Environmental Scan: Military Creative Arts Therapies Initiative) – CAD40,000 (PI)
- UBC Health Innovation Funding Investment Award (Empowering individuals who are postpartum with education, self-monitoring for complications, and research through a mobile application) – CAD25,000 (Co-I, PI: Dr. Janny Ke)
- Interior University Research Coalition (IURC) Ministry of Health (MoH) Research Grant (Mental Health Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on British Columbia’s (BC) Indigenous Health Care Workers: Recommendations for Medium-term Impact Management) – CAD49,996 (Co-I, PI: Dr. Rahul Jain)
- SSHRC Connection Grant (Designing a Track Two Diplomacy Platform for University Community Engagement towards a Health in All Policies Imperative) – CAD22,600 (Co-I, PI: Dr. Aleem Bharwani)
- SSHRC Insight Development Grant (Post Pandemic Supply Chain Recovery) – CAD57,568 (Co-I, PI: Dr. Amir Ardestani-Jaafari)
- SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant (Food Bank Operations during COVID-19 Pandmiec) – CAD24,891 (Co-I, PI: Dr. Amir Ardestani-Jaafari)
- SSHRC Partnership Development Grant (Food Odyssey: An exploratory study of the implementation of sustainable and resilient local food systems) – CAD179,800 (PI)
- Department of National Defense (Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) 1a Program) – CAD168,150 (PI)
- National Defense – Targeted Engagement Grants (A Digitized Community-Based Recruitment and Referral Portal and A Militainment Approach for DND and CAF) – CAD31,520 (PI)
- Mitacs (Accelerate Graduate Research Internship Program: Back to Basics: A Sustainable Response to COVID-19) – CAD60,000 (PI)
- SSHRC Insight Grant (Strategic Corporate Philanthropy: A Cross-Cultural Study) – CAD84,449 (PI)
- Mitacs (Accelerate Graduate Research Internship Program: Best Practice Framework for Healthcare Innovation Infrastructure, Implementation and Learning Campus) – CAD30,000 (Co-I, PI: Dr. Barb Marcolin)
- Canadian Institute for Military Veteran and Health Research (Qualitative Study of Financial Well-being of Survivors who Married or Entered into a Common-Law Relationship with a Veteran who was aged 60+) – CAD225,769.39 (PI)
- UBCO Eminence Research Cluster Fund (Rural Health Equity through Social Enterprise and Technology Synergies) – CAD300,000 (Co-Lead, with Dr. Kathy Rush)
- UBCO Eminence Research Cluster Fund (Homelessness Research in Kelowna: Journey Home Research Cluster) – CAD580,229 (Cluster Member, PI: Dr. John Graham)
- Mitacs (Accelerate Graduate Research Internship Program) (Understanding Health and Life Sciences Research and Innovation Impact in British Columbia) – CAD90,000 (PI, with Dr. Jennifer Davis and Dr. Elicia Maine [SFU])
- SSHRC Insight Development Grants (Quests for Developing Knowledge Economies: A Comparative Study of the Higher Education Reforms in China and India ) – CAD52,670 (Co-I, PI: Dr. Romi Jain)
- Canada Institute of Health Research – BC Support (Can PROMS data improve patient’s decision to adhere to Falls Prevention Clinic Recommendations) – CAD59,600 (Co-I, PI: Dr. Jennifer Davis)
- NSERC Create – Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies Training Program – CAD1,618,550 (Co-I, PI: Dr. Victoria Lemieux)
- MMRI-NRC IRAP Contributions to Organizations (CTO) Project Award (Cloud Technology Enabled Digital Twin Framework for Next-Generation Manufacturing and Asset Management – CAD5,500 (Co-PI, PI: Dr. Zheng Liu)
- SSHRC Partnership Development Grants (Kelowna Journey Home Research Collaborative) – CAD177,900 (Co-I, PI: Dr. John Graham)
- RSEDIC Seed Grant (Smart Donate – a Socio-Technological Intervention of Food Bank Donation) – CAD13,000 (PI)
- SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant (Smart Donate – a Socio-Technological Intervention of Food Bank Donation) – CAD21,325 (PI)
- UBC Humanities & Social Sciences Research Grant (Promoting Healthy Aging in Older Adults at High Risk of Mobility Impairments: A Collaborative Initiative) – CAD5,000 (Co-I. PI: Dr. Jennifer Davis)
- Monash University Internal Research Grant (Monash–Pennsylvania-UBC Virtual Hub for Geothermal Energy: Development and Operation of Efficient and Resilient Geothermal Energy Systems) – AUD170,737 (Co-I, PI: Dr. Ranjith Pathegama)
- NSERC-CRD (Micro Carbon Capture and Utilization: A Canadian Solution for Low Carbon Heating with Natural Gas) – CAD338,505 (Co-I; PI: Dr. Kasun Hewage)
- RSEDIC Seed Grant (Food Economy in Revelstoke) – CAD3,500 (PI)
- Mitacs (Accelerate Graduate Research Internship Program – Food Economy Research Project) – CAD15,000 (PI)
- Mitacs (Accelerate Graduate Research Internship Program – Machine Learning for Improved Automated Valuation Model) – CAD30,000 (Co-PI, PI: Dr. Zheng Liu)
- SSHRC – Insight Development Grant (IDG) (Engaging Stakeholders in Co-Creating a Sustainable Community: A Study of Rural Communities in interior B.C.) – CAD64,484 (PI)
- Mitacs (Accelerate Graduate Research Internship Program – Exploration of Innovative Digital Consumer Research and Marketing Strategies) – CAD15,000 (PI)
- Mitacs (Accelerate Graduate Research Internship Program – An Examination of the Determinants of Certification and Licensure Examination Methods in Canada) – CAD15,000 (PI)
- Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship (Innovative Solutions for Developing and Managing Climate Resilient Transport Infrastructure in South Asia Region (SAR): A Lifecycle Thinking Approach) – CAD1,125,440 (Co-Applicant)
- City of Kelowna and Okanagan Sustainability Institute (Investigating the Impacts of Urban Densities and Transportation on City of Kelowna’s GHG Emission Targets) – CAD81,000 (Co-Investigator, PI: Dr. Rehan Sadiq and Dr. Keith Culver)
- Okanagan Sustainability Institute Seed Grant (A Wall of Well-Being: A Novel Approach to the Promotion and Assessment of Well-Being in Students) – CAD15,000 (Co-Investigator, PI: Dr. Mark Holder)
- Hong Kong-Canada Crosscurrents Projects (Chinese Canadians and Fashion Consumption in Metropolitan Areas – Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal) – CAD2,500 (Co-Investigator, PI: Osmud Rahman)
- BCIC-Mitacs Commercialization Voucher Program – CAD7,500 (PI)
Honours and Awards
Awards for Scholarship
2022 Royal Society of Canada, The College of New Scholars (Academy of Social Sciences), Class of 2022
2021 UBC Okanagan’s Researcher of the Year Award (Social Sciences and Humanities)
2020 International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes Research Initiative Award (USD2,000)
2019 John Dobson Enactus Fellow
2016 International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes Annual Conference Best Paper Award
Awards for Teaching
2022 Awardee, Thank a Prof Program – UBCO Centre for Teaching and Learning
2019 Nominee for 2019 UBCO Golden Apple Awards – University of British Columbia – Okanagan
2014 Teaching Honour Roll for the Academic Year 2012-2013 – University of British Columbia – Okanagan
Awards for Contribution to Community
2022 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee’s Local Recognition of Outstanding Service Award, Member of Parliament (Kelowna-Lake Country)
2018 Kelowna’s Top 40 under 40, Kelowna Chamber of Commerce, BC
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
- Co-Chair, Film Festival, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, 2021 – 2023
- Co-Director, International Qualitative Research Network, 2022 – present
- Editorial Board, Fashion, Style and Popular Culture, 2020 – present
- Editorial Board, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 2017 – present
Research Contribution
- UBC Okanagan researcher receives royal recognition (September 07, 2022)
- The RSC Presents the Class of 2022 (September 06, 2022)
- Thirteen UBC Faculty Members elected to the Royal Society of Canada (September 07, 2022)
- UBC faculty members elected to the Royal Society of Canada (September 06, 2022)
- Eric’s Story: Making Dreams Come True (UBC Okanagan – Our Stories) (May 11, 2021)
- UBC Okanagan honours work of local researchers (Kelowna Capital News) (May 11, 2021)
- UBCO honours four outstanding researchers of the year (UBC Okanagan News) (May 10, 2021)
Contribution to the Community:
- Dedication Poem to Healthcare Workers: Unsung Heroes & Heroines (June 17, 2020) (with Patience Spinoza Okuku) Kelowna Chamber of Commerce Blog Posts
- Chamber’s Top 40 Program Honours Special Health Care Providers (June 17, 2020) Kelowna Chamber of Commerce – News Release
- A new approach to marketing: Top 40 profile of Eric Li (June 06, 2018)
- Kelowna Top 40 under 40 AM1150 (interviewed by Phil Johnson) (June 07, 2018)
- Top 40: Eric Li Okanagan Business Edge (June 08, 2018)
Community-Based Project: Prosocial Behaviour and Corporate Philanthropy (with UBCO Enactus Club)
- UBC Okanagan News – UBCO students raise funds for food banks with Smart Meals (February 09, 2021)
- The Phoenix News – UBCO’s Smart Meals Initiative Partners Once More with the Vegetarian Butcher (interviewed by Madhumita Prasad) (February 08, 2021)
Research: Consumer Culture, Sustainable Consumption, and Precarious Consumers
- Have a merry and sustainable festive season (December 12, 2022) UBC Okanagan News (by Patty Wellborn)
- How celebrating the ugly Christmas sweater went from a B.C. house party to a global phenomenon (December 08, 2022) CBC News (by Jason Proctor)
- Christmas before Halloween? Thompson-Okanagan shoppers buying early (November 05, 2022) InfoNews Kelowna (by Carli berry)
- Does sweater weather impact consumer behaviour? (October 24, 2022) UBC Okanagan News
- Brands are cashing in on Lunar New year – and working with Asian-Canadian creatives is key (February 04, 2022) CBC Business (by Jenna Benchetrit)
- Back to Basics (October 07, 2021) UBC Okanagan News
- What’s Old is New Again: Roller Skating Making a Comeback in the Okanagan (April 20, 2021) InfoNews.ca (Interviewed by Carli Berry)
- Green Eggs and Chocolate is more than a Pun (April 02, 2021) (Forbes, Interviewed by Jeff Kart)
- Spring can be a time for “green eggs and chocolate,” say UBCO experts (March 31, 2021) UBC Okanagan News
- Woman disputes U.S. cellphone roaming charges received while on Vancouver Island (January 21, 2021) CTV News Vancouver Island (Interviewed by Mona Mahmoud).
- There is more than just saving money when it comes to fake goods (April 26, 2018)
- UBC Okanagan News
- UBCO study suggests purchasing counterfeit brands can be virtuous Kelowna Now (April 26, 2018)
- Purchasing knock-off products seen as ethical in Chinese culture, says UBCO study Kelowna Capital News (April 26, 2018)
- Social Media and Fashion Culture (September 12, 2017) Ubyssey, UBC Vancouver (interviewed by Emma Tyrchniewicz)
- Zero Waste Movement (June 30, 2017) CBC Radio 1 Kelowna (interviewed by Valerie McTavish)
- Ugly Christmas Sweater (December 13, 2016) CBC Vancouver (interviewed by Anne-Diandra Louarn)
- Air Miles Fiasco (December 02, 2016) NEWS 1130 (interviewed by Martin MacMahon)
- Kanye-inspired fashion trend causes stir in Vancouver (November 09, 2016) The Voice (interviewed by Jessica Purver)
- Vancouver’s largest garage sale shows swap culture making a comeback (June 18, 2016) Vancouver Sun/The Province
- The Ed Hand Show – 1310 News Radio in Ottawa (February 18, 2015) Discussed how much Canadians consume and alternative ways to deal with our waste instead of sending it to a landfill (interviewed by Andrew Krystal)
Research Project: Selfie
- Vancouver Sun – Trying for the Perfect Selfie can lead to extreme risk-taking (July 4, 2018) (interviewed by Randy Shore)
- Yahoo Canada News – “Selfies after the Earthquake in Nepal: What do these Selfies say about Ourselves?” (April 30, 2015)
- CTV Toronto (March 04, 2014)
- UBC News/Faculty of Management News – “Selfies are Your Own Brand” (March 03, 2014)
- CKNW News Talk AM980 – The Shift with Mike Eckford – “What Do Your Selfies Say About You” (March 03, 2014)
- Global TV News (March 03, 2014) – “The Dark Side of Selfies”
- MingPao Chinese Newspaper Vancouver (March 04, 2014)
Research Project: Skin-Lightening and Whitening Practices in Asia
- JAC Digital – Skin-Whitening Practices in Asia (May 09, 2016) Interviewed by journalist Emily Steinhardt
- KCPP Air Talk – “The confounding popularity of skin whitening creams” (July 30, 2014) Interviewed by Patt Morrison
- S-Moda (El País, Spain) – Initiatives defying beauty standards in Asia (July 23, 2014) Interviewed by journalist, Begoña Gómez.
- Quest-France – Les Japonaises fuient le bronzage (August 12, 2013) Interviewed by journalist, Audrey Guiller, regarding Japanese women’s skin colour preference.
Research: Urban Densification and Community Building
- UBC Study on Home Sharing in BC (May 10, 2019) Happipad Official Blog
- Kelowna residents should get used to high-density living Kelowna Capital News (March 11, 2016)
Research: Social Media and Transmedia Storytelling
- How fake news culture and technology played out in a suspicious Lake Country incident (May 30, 2019) Global Okanagan (interviewed by Megan Turcato)
- Social Media Shopping (September 26, 2018) CBC Radio (interviewed by Jason Osler)
- Risk for views: The psychology behind the Tide Pod Challenge (January 29, 2018) BCIT News (interviewed by Dennis Arellano)
- #MeToo Social Media Campaign and Sexual Harassment (October 17, 2017) CBC Radio Daybreak South (interviewed by Chris Walker)
- Why companies are adopting digital marketing strategies and how consumers react to them (February 7, 2017) (interviewed by Peter Mothe, freelance writer for Brand Megaphone)
- Rebirth of Old Stories in Social Media (January 08, 2016) (interviewed by Global Okanagan)
- Seeing red: the science behind the holiday cups (UBC News, December 11, 2015)
Experiential Learning and Healthy Living IdeasFest
- Healthy Living reaches out: Making marketing increasingly meaningful Faculty of Management News (February 05, 2018)
- UBCO marketing exercise faces challenges Kelowna Capital News (December 26, 2015)
- Management students help promote BMX park and food forest: UBC marketing exercise faces real challenges of community opposition UBC Media Release (December 21, 2015)
- BMX track proposal could include farming Penticton Western News (November 25, 2015)
- UBC students present options to make local communities healthier Faculty of Management News (November 19, 2014), Castnet.net (November 19, 2014)
- UBCO TV – Third Year Experiential Marketing
- CBC Radio Interview (Daybreak South) (October 14, 2014)
Scholarship of Teaching
- Summer of Discovery (UBCO Faculty of Management News) (November 02, 2020) – Featuring undergraduate research award students
- UBCO awards support students throughout the summer (UBC Okanagan News) (July 29, 2020) – Featuring undergraduate research award recipients – Mohana Rambe, Shree Nithi Santhagunam, Shiven Vinod Khera, and Vinil Sood
- Patience’s Story (UBC Our Stories) (June 08, 2019) – Featuring International Undergraduate Award Recipient – Patience Okuku (supervised by Dr. Eric Li)
- Big Finish for Business Students (Okanagan Edge) (February 01, 2017)
- UBCO Students shine at Business Competition (Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association – Regional Tourism News Centre) (January 23, 2017)
- UBC Management Students honoured in business competition (UBCO Faculty of Management News) (January 20, 2017)
- UBC Undergraduate Viewbook 2017 – Interviewed by Sheena Starky (May 10, 2016)
- UBC Our Stories – Management professor prepares students for success at UBC’s Okanagan campus and in the business world (August 20, 2015)
- Faculty of Management News – Assistant Professor Ping (Eric) Li recognized for teaching excellence in management (May 09, 2014)
- Castanet.net – UBC honours faculty for teaching excellence and innovation (May 09, 2014)
Current Affairs: Panic Buying and COVID-19
- Maclean’s (Interviewed by Marie-Danielle Smith) (April 22, 2020)
- BC’s Responses to COVID-19 Kelowna Capital News (Interviewed by Michael Rodriguez (March 17, 2020)
- Ethical consumerism important through the COVID-19 pandemic (March 18, 2020) InfoNews.ca (Interviewed by Carli Berry) (March 12, 2020)
- Here’s why people are fighting over the last pack of toilet paper (March 12, 2020)
- Huge lineup of people waiting for Kelowna’s Costco to open today (by Rob Munro)
- Kelowna shoppers increasingly frustrated as COVID-19 panic buying makes getting the basics harder (by Kathy Michaels)