Dual-Degree Master of Management

The interdisciplinary Dual Degree Master of Management (MM) is an accelerated program in which you earn both a UBC Bachelor and a Master of Management degree in as little as 4.5 years

First-year through fourth-year undergraduate students across a broad range of participating undergraduate programs are eligible to apply for the program. Once accepted, you have access to topical presentations over the course of your undergraduate studies, and take part in two intensive workshops.

Upon graduation, you move seamlessly into your master’s courses, where you learn within a supportive and diverse network of peers and educators from a range of disciplines. Together, you pursue your passions, advance your critical thinking skills, nurture your capacity to address emerging social and economic challenges, and enhance your job prospects to flourish in the career of your choice.


Graduate Program Overview

The Dual Degree MM is a full-time program, delivered by participating faculty members from across UBC’s Okanagan campus. Qualified students earn an undergraduate UBC degree and a UBC Master of Management (MM) degree concurrently. Advance your knowledge and skills to help you navigate complex environments, and contribute to the future development of organizations, sectors, communities and regions in the face of challenges regarding climate justice, reconciliation, and social and economic inequality.


Program Components Expected Duration
MM MGMT 100 and MGMT 110, and two, week-long intensive workshops, are completed during undergraduate studies. Workshops are complemented by topical subject-matter talks offered throughout the academic year, followed by a 35-week term of hybrid online and in-person graduate-level courses at UBC’s Okanagan campus in Kelowna, B.C. 4 years (undergrad) + 35 weeks (MM)


Why pursue the Dual Degree Master of Management at UBC’s Okanagan Campus?

Obtain your master’s degree in eight months immediately after completing your undergraduate degree.

Workshops during your undergraduate degree prepare you to begin your Master of Management coursework with no extended break in your studies.

Connect and learn with students and educators across multiple disciplines and subject areas in a rich learning environment.

Question and think critically about emerging social and economic challenges in order to realize change for the better.

Interweave core concepts and subject areas to build a robust understanding of the myriad factors at play in regional and global change.

Courses and workshops are founded on principles of decolonization and inclusion, and engage in topics such as equity, diversity, enculturation, emotional intelligence and Indigenous perspectives.

Develop meaningful working relationships with peers and educators whom you can draw on for support during your studies and beyond.

Learn management concepts and techniques through problem-based dialogue and action applicable to regional and global transformation.

Receive personalized guidance from an academic tutor and a personal development coach for the duration of your studies. You also receive continuous personal support and feedback during your Applied Project.

Conduct an Applied Project, investigating an issue or problem in a real-world context, supported by feedback and guidance from your academic advisor.


The dual degree Master of Management offers a myriad of opportunities. The knowledge, skills, relationships and experiences you gain prepare you to thrive in your chosen activity and career, whether that be in community development, the non-profit sector, global resource management, business, government, entrepreneurship or some other sphere.

You will learn to:

  • Identify and critically reflect on norms, values, and knowledge practices that define the various modes of knowing and disciplinary traditions of the university.
  • Apply your understanding of these various modes of knowing and disciplinary traditions to identify and frame challenges and problems related to organizational behaviour, social change, community development, global context and the empowerment of individuals.
  • Use reason and evidence, and sense and sensibility, to understand and manage complex environments and situations.
  • Use communication and organizational solutions that take diverse and different perspectives into account, based on understanding and respect.
  • Critically assess and mobilize knowledge relating to management challenges in your respective field.

Program delivery & courses

Over the course of your undergraduate studies, you attend at least two in-person, full-time week-long workshops in early May, to be completed in any order. They cover social and economic issues in ways that link theory and practice, and take an interdisciplinary approach to critical thinking on equity, inclusion, diversity, enculturation, emotional intelligence, social interaction, metacognition, research/inquiry, sensibility, sustainability, well-being, communication and presentation.

The workshops are complemented by topical presentations offered exclusively to dual-degree students throughout the academic year. These presentations provide foundational knowledge and skills for graduate courses and, combined with the intensive workshops, provide you with a robust foundation for a smooth transition into a successful MM course of study.

In addition to attending workshops and presentations, your undergraduate coursework must include MGMT 100 and MGMT 110:

MGMT 100 Introduction to business
Introduction to traditional areas of business, including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, organizational behaviour, operations, business policy, information systems and entrepreneurship. Identifies the steps needed to build and manage successful local, national, and international competitive businesses and organizations. Introduces ethical and policy decisions faced by businesses, organizations and governments. [3 Credits]

MGMT 110 Introduction to management thought and social responsibility
Introduces management thought in business and organizations. Utilizes critical thinking in socially and ethically responsible decisions at a corporate and personal level. Includes managing responsibly through people, mass production, ethical and socially-responsible practices. Covers start-ups, entrepreneurs, family business, non-profit/for-profit organizations and governments in global regions. [3 Credits]

The MM portion of the dual-degree program is an eight-month, full-time intensive program, delivered between May and December at UBC’s Okanagan campus in Kelowna, B.C. The MM, which immediately follows the completion of your undergraduate studies, consists of 32 credits across 11 courses, with one credit attained each week. There is a week-long study-free period at the end of August and a two-week study-free period at the end of December.

You will be part of an interdisciplinary cohort of students from diverse undergraduate programs and backgrounds, and take part in experiential learning that includes projects that engage the broader community.

The MM Applied Project is a focal point of your Master of Management learning, where you have the opportunity to work independently and with other members of your cohort, while receiving continuous one-on-one academic guidance. You investigate an issue or a problem in a real-world context and learn to conduct an inquiry: drawing on relevant academic and practical knowledge and experience; applying rigorous methods; communicating findings; and providing recommendations.

Your studies include 10 full-time graduate management courses and the Applied Project course, delivered in a hybrid format that includes some online study:

MGMT 534 Regional development and globalization
Explore managing and leading businesses and organizations in globally connected regions. Examine historical and contemporary instances of socio‐economic development, and consider future directions and possibilities. Study organizations, institutions, communities and public policy. [2 Credits]

MGMT 535 Approaches to learning and practical research
Acquire skills to learn independently and collaboratively for continuous application in the MM program and life-long. Focus on navigating and sorting information, evaluating sources, and building knowledge. Explore methods for research that embody rigour, reason, and evidence, and that balance sense and sensibility. [1.5 Credits]

MGMT 536 Enterprise and innovation
Explore enterprise commonalities and differences collaboratively, likewise regional, national, and global networking, and other forms of interaction. Deepen knowledge of, and apply, core management subjects such as accounting, finance, marketing, people management, information technology and strategy. [9 Credits]

MGMT 537 Leading and citizenship
Study professional and citizenship obligations within and between organizations, institutions and communities—regionally, nationally, and globally. Reflect collaboratively and individually to challenge diverse orientations to the social responsibilities of organizations. [3 Credits]

MGMT 538 Communicating
Explore and implement various approaches to oral, written, and other forms of communication. [1.5 Credits]

MGMT 539 Ethics
Study methods of ethical analysis and apply them in analyzing and developing action plans that ensure ethical practice. [1.5 Credits]

MGMT 540 Systems
Explore impact and implications of systems on management issues and study the managing of systems for maximum effectiveness in regional contexts. [1.5 Credits]

MGMT 541 Practical research methods
Building on the foundations laid in Approaches to Learning and Research, develop skills in research with particular emphasis on the area of activity on which the participant wishes to focus. [1.5 Credits]

MGMT 542 Career development
Develop and curate a portfolio of work through the Master of Management to support and develop future careers. [1.5 Credits]

MGMT 543 Managing change
Consolidate and integrate material, concepts, and ideas studied in earlier courses. Focus on the importance of people when managing change, including their roles, adaptive capacity, and conflict management. [3 Credits]

MGMT 544 Applied project
Apply what has been learned through the Master of Management program to provide thought leadership and innovative capacity to one or more organizations to help them make progress on an issue they face. [6 Credits]

Learn with a diverse group of instructors from a breadth of UBC Faculties, including the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Health and Social Development, Faculty of Management, Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science, Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and the School of Engineering.

Admission requirements

The Dual Degree Master of Management degree program welcomes applications from undergraduate students enrolling or enrolled in undergraduate studies at UBC Okanagan from the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, the Faculty of Health and Social Development, the Faculty of Management, the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science, and/or the School of Engineering. A GMAT or GRE is not required.

Indigenous students, including those in the Aboriginal Access Studies program, are encouraged to apply. Indigenous Programs and Services provides culturally appropriate advising, transition services, peer counseling and support to First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students.

UBC Okanagan’s Global Engagement Office provides advising, transition services, and intercultural programming for international students.

Admission selection

The selection process for admission is guided by the criteria below. There are four entry points for admission: first-year direct entry, first year, second year and third year. First-year direct entry students will be admitted based on university admission standards. Students applying during first, second or third year will be admitted based on continuation requirements, as outlined below.

Note that students in their fourth and/or final year of undergraduate study will be considered for admission, and will be required to complete the required workshops, along with MGMT 100 and MGMT 110, prior to enrolling in the full-time MM courses.

Academic Achievement: Candidates must have a solid academic record. This will be evaluated based on academic transcript(s).

Continuation Requirements: Students in the Dual Degree Program Option must meet all the continuation requirements for each year of their undergraduate program:

  • First year: attain an average of at least 65% of all courses attempted in each Winter Session until completing first year and advancing to second year;
  • Second year to graduation: attain an average of at least 76% of all courses attempted in each Winter Session and Summer Session, calculated at the end of each Academic Year, until completing all requirements of their undergraduate program.

Tuition & Funding

Tuition Tuition is the sum of your undergraduate program tuition plus the MM program tuition: $31,422.02 (domestic)1 $51,097.62 (international) Tuition fees are typically collected in instalments; for more information please consult the Academic Calendar. More information on tuition payment options can be found on the Awards and Financial Support website.
Tuition fee structure Dual degree tuition increments are assessed according to the year of entry to the program, as follows:

First-year and direct entry:
Year 1: 5%
Year 2: 5%
Year 3: 10%
Year 4: 10%
Year 5: 70%

Second-year entry:
Year 2: 10%
Year 3: 10%
Year 4: 10%
Year 5: 70%

Third-year entry:
Year 3: 15%
Year 4: 15%
Year 5: 70%

Fees collected during undergraduate study are used for the creation and dissemination of access scholarships, based on academic merit and diversity.
Mandatory Student Fees – please see the Okanagan Academic Calendar UBCSUO Health and Dental fees have an opt-out provision
UPASS fees do not apply to MM students.
Visit the UBC Students’ Union Okanagan website for more information. UPASS fees are usually included in student fees levied each September; however, MM students are exempted.

1 Tuition fees are set in the spring of the upcoming academic year and are subject to adjustment and approval. This fee reflects the full tuition cost for the 35-week program.

How to apply

First and second year UBC students are invited to submit applications here. Third- and fourth-year UBC students are encouraged to book an appointment with an Academic Programs Coordinator to discuss their degree progression and the Dual Degree Master of Management start date.

If you have questions at any stage in the application process, or to book an in-person or zoom appointment, please contact our Academic Programs Office at dualdegree.mm@ubc.ca.

Dates & deadlines

Applications are open year-round with two deadlines for applications to be reviewed. The next deadline for application review is:

  • January 15, 2025

Please note application decisions will be sent out via email 2-4 weeks after each deadline.

Need more information?

Contact our Master of Management program office:

Email:  dualdegree.mm@ubc.ca

Toll Free (Canada and USA): 1-877-807-9644
Tel: 250-807-9644 | Fax: 250-807-8533

Mailing address

Master of Management Program
The University of British Columbia
Okanagan Campus
EME 4145 – 1137 Alumni Ave
Kelowna, BC, V1V 1V7


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