Annamma Joy

(She, Her, Hers)

Associate Dean, Research; Professor

Faculty of Management
Office: EME 4129
Office Hours: TBA for each course
Phone: 250.807.8606

Research Summary

Sustainability in Art, Fashion, and Wine; Wine Tourism, Artification Process; Luxury Brand Marketing and Management; Gender, Levinas and the Ethics of recognition.

Courses & Teaching

Undergraduate Courses:
MGMT 440 Brands, Culture and Marketing
MGMT 442 Consumer Behavior
MGMT 441-Marketing Strategy
MGMT 220-Introductory marketing

Graduate Courses:
Brand Management (Ph.D.)
Consumer Culture Theory (Ph.D.)



Dr. Joy is Associate Dean, Research and Professor of Marketing at UBC, Kelowna campus. Before assuming her position in January 2008, she was Professor of Marketing at Concordia University in Montreal. She is an acknowledged  expert on fashion, luxury brands, and art and some of her work has appeared in Financial Times 50 journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of Consumer Psychology. She also has the most citations on these topics in the faculty of management.

[Please see Annamma Joy – Google Scholar Citations]

Her research interests are primarily in the area of consumer behavior and branding with a special focus on luxury brands, fashion brand experiences, wineries and wine tourism, consumer behavior in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and aesthetic consumption. She has been a visiting scholar at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China-Europe International Business School, Shanghai, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, SDA Bocconi, Milan, the Helsinki School of Economics, and Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland.

After joining the faculty here at UBCO, she began research on wine consumption and wine marketing and most recently ethical issues in precious metals and diamond mining in Canada. She has published several articles in prestigious consumer behavior and marketing journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Consumption, Markets and Culture, Fashion Theory, Journal of Macro-marketing, Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Consumer Culture, The Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences and the Journal of Wine Business Research among others. Dr. Joy is an outstanding researcher and has won several awards for her articles published in journals in addition to videos she helped produce.


Wine Videos:

Creative Outputs – Guest on Podcast – Fast Fashion

(2013) Video Presentation on “Aesthetics and Consumption”
Henry Stewart Talks.


Ph.D., University of British Columbia
MA, University of British Columbia
MBA, Concordia University
BA, MA University of Madras

Research Interests & Projects

  • Sustainability in the context of Art, Fashion, and Wine.  I received competitive grants (SSHRC) in each domain.
  • Wine Tourism
  • Cannabis consumption
  • Luxury Brands

Selected Publications & Presentations



Sustainability in Art, Fashion and Wine: Critical Perspectives, De Gruyter, March 2024

Joy, A. (ed), (publication date 2022) The Future of Luxury Brands: Sustainability and Artifaction, De Gruyter Press.



Joy, A (ed) (June, 2023) New Directions in Art, Fashion and Wine : Sustainability, Artification and Digitalization Lexington Books

Joy, A (ed) Critical Perspectives in the World of Art, Fashion and Wine (publication date 2024)


Joy, A.,  Roberts J., Grohmann B., & Peña, C. (2023) Confronting climate crisis through corporate narratives: the fairy tale in LVMH’s 2020 and 2021 social and environmental responsibility reports, Luxury, DOI: 10.1080/20511817.2023.2280321

Joy, A, Jeff Wang, Davide C. Orazi, Seyee Yoon, Kathryn LaTour and Camilo Pena (2023), “Co-creating Affective Atmospheres in Retail Experience” Journal of Retailing, vol. 99 p.297-317. A* publication in Marketing. 

Borghini S, J. F Sherry Jr. and Annamma Joy (2020), ‘Place Attachment to and Detachment from Favorite Stores: An Affordance Theory Perspective” Journal of Consumer Research, Financial Times 50 journal

Joy, A. & Sherry, J. F., (2003). “Speaking of art as embodied imagination: A multisensory approach to understanding aesthetic experience.” Journal of Consumer Research, 30(2), 259-282. Financial Times 50 journal

Joy, A., (2001). “Gift-giving in Hong Kong and the continuum of social ties” Journal of Consumer Research, 28(2), 239-256. Financial Times 50 journal

Venkatesh, A., Joy, A., Sherry, J. F. Jr., &Deschenes, J. (2010) “The aesthetics of luxury

fashion, body, and identity formation” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20(4), 450-470. Financial Times 50 Journal

Joy, J. F. Sherry, a. Venkatesh, and J. Deschenes, (2009) “Perceiving images, telling Tales, a visual and verbal analysis of the meaning of the Internet.” In Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19 (3). P. 556-566. . Financial Times 50 journal

Wang J; A. Joy; R. Belk & J. F. Sherry Jr (2019) “One Country Two Systems: Consumer Acculturation of Locals in Hong Kong”  European Journal of Marketing, vol. 54. no. 1. p. 1-25 Emerald Publishing ltd. A * publication in marketing.

Joy, A., & Venkatesh, A. (1994). “Postmodernism, feminism, and the body: The visible and the invisible in consumer research” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 11(4),333-357. A* publication in marketing

Joy, A T. S Chan, J. F. Sherry, G. Cui and J. Wang (2014), “M(Art) worlds: consumer perceptions of how luxury brands become art institutions”  Journal of Retailing, vol. 90 (3), p. 347-364. A* publication in marketing.

Joy, A., Sherry, J. F. Jr., Venkatesh, A., Wang, J., & Chan, R. (2012) “Fast fashion, sustainability, and the ethical appeal of luxury brands” Fashion Theory, 16(3), 273-295. [1240 citations]. The highest number of views and the highest number of citations in this journal.

Joy, A (1989), “Culture and Consumption” Journal of Retailing, 65 (2) 287-292. A* publication in marketing.


Joy, A, Jeff Wang, Davide C. Orazi, Seyee Yoon, Kathryn LaTour and Camilo Pena (2023), “Co-creating Affective Atmospheres in Retail Experience” Journal of Retailing, vol. 99 p.297-317. A* publication in Marketing. [Wine tasting and tourism in the Okanagan valley]

Pena and A. Joy(2021), “Natural Wine and Experience Marketing” in S. Dixit (ed) Routledge Handbook of Wine Tourism, Taylor & Francis Group Publishing], UK.

Kathryn LaTour , A. Joy & R. Noujeim(2020), “Developing Wine Appreciation for New Generation of Wine Consumers”. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 62 (3), 337-345

Joy, A., K. La Tour, B. Grohmann, S. Charters & C. Pena (2020), “ The Artification of Wine: lessons from the Fine Wines of Bordeaux and Burgundy. ” at  Arts and the Market 11 (1), 24-39 (November)

Joy, A., S. Charters, J. Wang & B. Grohmann  (2020)“A Multi-sensory and Embodied Understanding of Wine Consumption”. Journal of Wine Research,  31 (4), 247-264

(2018) B. Grohmann, C. Peña & A. Joy,  Wine Quality and Sensory Assessments: do distinct local groups of wine experts differ?, Journal of Wine Research, 29:4, 278-289, DOI : 10.1080/09571264.2018.153288  vol. 29 (4) p. 278-289

Bruwer J. and A. Joy,(2017) Tourism Destination Image [TDI] Perception of a Canadian Wine-scape: A Free-Text Macro approach” in Tourism Recreation Research, vol. 42. No. 3 p. 367-379

Peña, C.,  A. Joy, A., & Lawrence, K. (2019) “Rebranding Wine Using Sensory Profiling Data: A Case Study”. In C. Santini and A. Cavicchi (Eds.), Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing: Case Studies in the Wine Industry (pp. 115-128). CA, USA: Elsevier Woodhead Publishing

Joy, A., Grohmann, B., & Peña, C. (2019)” Preliminary Thoughts on the Importance of Sensory Profiling for Strategic Decision Making in Canadian Wineries”. In C. Santini and A. Cavicchi (Eds.), Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing: Case Studies in the Wine Industry (pp. 167-180). CA, USA: Elsevier Woodhead Publishing.

Joy A., J. Wang, Belk R, S. Charters & C. Pena, (2018) “Performance Theory and Consumer Engagement: Wine Tour Experiences in South Africa and India” in. Research in Consumer Behavior (ed.,) S. Cross, C. Ruvalcatu, A. Venkatesh and R. Belk Emerald Publishing Company: Bingley, UK p. 163-187.


.* K. La Tour and A. Joy (2022) The Artification of Hospitality: Elevating service to luxury status in A. Joy (ed), The Future of Luxury Brands: Artification and Sustainability, Berlin: De Gruyter [in press]

Turunen M. L and A. Joy (2022) Luxury resale shaping the future of fashion in Annamma Joy (ed) (2022), The Future of Luxury Brands: Artification and Sustainability, Berlin: De Gruyter. [in press]

Meamber L .and A. Joy (2022), “Wearing the writing on the wall: Street wear street art” in Annamma Joy (ed) (2022) The Future of Luxury Brands: Artification and Sustainability Berlin: De Gruyter [in press]

Bhardwaj, R., Joy A., and R.  Belk (2021) “Helicopter Weddings: Jatt Sikh Weddings in India” Journal of Customer Behavior [just accepted]

Joy, A., and R.  Belk, [2019]”India’s Kochi Biennale: sponsorship, patronage, and art’s resistance,” Arts and the Market, .vol. 9 (1) p. 16-31

Joy A. and R. Belk  (2021) “Why Luxury Brands Partner with Artists” in Oxford Handbook of Luxury Business (ed) Pierre-Yves Donzé, Véronique Pouillard, and Joanne Roberts.  Oxford University Press [in press]

Joy A., C. Pena & Linda Armano (2020), “Doing Well While Doing Good: How the Hybrid Business Model Promotes Sustainability in the Fashion Industry” Journal of Business Anthropology,.

Joy, A., J. F. Sherry, J. Wang, and R. Belk, (2018)“Emotion and Consumption: Toward a New Understanding of Cultural Collision between Hong Kong and PRC luxury Consumers” Journal of Consumer Culture DOI: 10.1177/14695405187764247

Joy, A, J. F. Sherry & J. Wang,(2018) “Tasting, Savoring, Signaling and Red-Hot Sociality: Articulating the Structure of the Luxury brand Experience in Hong Kong and the PRC, in Chinese Urbanism: Everyday Critical Perspectives’ (ed.,) Mark Jayne Routledge Publishers, p. 109-120

Joy, A., Belk, R., & Bhardwaj, R., (2017) “Judith Butler on Performativity and Precarity: Exploratory thoughts on Gender and Violence in India.” Reprinted in A. Arsel, K. Erãranta, & J. Moisander (Eds.), Gendering theory in marketing and consumer research. UK: Routledge -reprint of the article in Journal of Marketing Management

Joy, A., & Pena, C., (2017) Sustainability in the Fashion Industry: Some Critical Observations.   In C. Heninger (Ed.) Sustainability in Fashion: A Cradle to Upcycle Approach, UK: Palgrave Pivot

Joy, A R. Belk & R. Bharadwaj  (2017)“Luxury Consumption and Luxury Brands” in Handbook of Consumption [ed] Margit Keller, Bente Hakkier, and Terhi-Anna Wilska, Routledge Publishers.

Joy, A., L. Meamber & A. Venkatesh (2017)“Fashion in Consumer Culture” in Handbook of Consumption, (ed) Margit Keller, Bente Hakkier, and Terhi-Anna Wilska, Routledge Publishers

Joy A., R. Belk & R. Bhardwaj,(2015) “Judith Butler on Performativity and Precarity: Exploratory Thoughts on Gender and Violence in India” Journal of Marketing Management, [with R. Belk & R. Bhardwaj]. Vol. 31 (15-16). P. 1739-1745.

Joy A., “Servicescapes,” (2015)The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies – Invited Entry ID ECCS-2013- published on Feb 6th 2015

Wang, J., A. Joy & J. F Sherry Jr., (2013)“Creating and Sustaining a Culture of Hope: Feng Shui Discourses and Practices in Hong Kong” Journal of Consumer Culture. 13 (3) 241-263

Joy A.  and E. Li, (2012) “Studying Consumption Behavior Through Multiple LensesS” Journal of Business Anthropology, vol. 1. no. 1. p. 141-173. [June]

Joy A., G. Cui, and T. Sing Chan, (2012) “Decomposition of Cross-Country Differences in Consumer Attitudes Toward Marketing”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol 29 No. 3. P. 214-224 (2013 Emerald Literati Network Award of Excellence) [winter]

Joy A, J. Sherry Jr., G. Troilo, and J. Deschenes, (2010) “Re-thinking the Relationship between Self and Other: Levinas and Narratives of Beautifying the Body, ” Journal of Consumer Culture, Vol. 10. No. 3. pages 1-29

Joy A., J. Sherry Jr, A. Venkatesh, and J.  Deschenes., (2009) “Perceiving Images and Telling Tales: A Visual and Verbal Analysis of the Meanings of the Internet, ” Journal of Consumer Psychology 19: pages 556-566.

Joy A., J. Sherry Jr. and J. Deschenes., (2009)”Conceptual Blending in Advertising” Journal of Business Research, 62 (1): pages 39-49

Cui, T. S. Chan and A. Joy., (2008)“Consumer Attitudes Toward Marketing: A cross-cultural study of China and Canada” Journal of International Consumer marketing, [with Geng-cui and Tsong Sing Chan,] vol. 20. no 3-4. P. 1-13

Cui, G. TS Chan, HK Lui & A. Joy (2007)“The cultural factor in International Business: A Decomposition Approach to Cross-cultural Studies”, Publication of Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies

Majid, R. Chandra, and A. Joy., (2007)“Exploring the Growing Interest in the Olympic Games”, Sports Marketing Quarterly, vol. 16. Issue 1. P. 25-36 [March]

Joy, A., J. Sherry, G. Troilo, and J. Deschenes,(2006) “Writing it up, Writing it Down: Reflexivity in accounts of Consumer Behavior” in Handbook of Qualitative Research in Marketing, (ed) Russ. Belk, Edward Elgar Publisher. p. 345-360

Joy, A, T. S. Chan, M. Hui and G. Cui, (2006) “Metaphors of Self, Self-communication and Self Gifts in Interdependent Cultures: Narratives from Hong Kong” (Russ Belk (ed) Research in Consumer Behavior, Elsevier Press, Vol. 10. p. 99-126

Joy A. and J. Sherry Jr. (2004)”Framing Considerations in the PRC: Creating Value in the Contemporary Chinese Art Market ” Consumption, Markets and Culture, 7 (9), 307-348

Joy A. and J. Sherry Jr. (2003) “Disentangling the Paradoxical Alliances between Art Market and Art World, Consumption, Markets and Culture 6 (3), 155-182

Joy, A.,  (2000)”Artists, Artworks, and the Discourse of Art: Organizing for Success,” Research in Consumer Behavior, (Ed) Russ Belk, JAI Press, Greenwich, CT. Vol. 9. P. 71-102

Joy, A., “(2000)The Framing Process: The role of Galleries in the Circulation of Art,” in John Sherry Jr. (Ed), Service-Scape: The Concept of Place in Contemporary Markets. American Marketing Association and NTC Business Books. P. 259-304

Joy, A, and A. Jain, (1997) “Money Matters: An Exploratory Study of the Socio-Cultural Context of Consumption, Savings, and Investment Patterns” Journal of Economic Psychology, vol. 18. P. 649-675 (Anbar Citation of Excellence)

Hui, C. Kim, M. Laroche, and A. Joy, (1997)“Psychometric Properties of an Index Measure of Ethnicity in a Bicultural Environment,” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Vol. 14. No. 1. p. 14-27. (Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences Award)

Laroche, C. Kim, M. Hui, and A. Joy, (1996)”An Empirical Study of Multidimensional Ethnic Change: The Case of the French Canadians in Quebec,” in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol. 27. No. 1 P. 114-131)

Joy A and M. Wallendorf,  (1996)“The Development of Consumer Culture in the Third World: Theories of Globalism and Localism” in Consumption and Marketing: Macro Dimensions (ed) Nik Dholakia, Russ Belk, and Alladi Venkatesh, South-Western College Publishing, Cincinnati: Ohio. P. 104-135

Joy A., M. Laroche, M.  Hui and C. Kim.,(1995) “The Cultural Past in the Present: Italians in Montreal,” in Marketing in a Multicultural World (Ed) Bamossy and Costa. J. Sage Publications P. 145-179

Joy A., C. Duhaime, and C. Ross, (1995) “Learning to See: A Folk Phenomenology of Consumption of Contemporary Art in a Canadian Museum,” in John Sherry Jr. (Ed) Contemporary Marketing and Consumer Behavior, Sage Publications: California P. 351-398

Joy, A.,  (1994)“Beyond the Odyssey: interpretations of Ethnographic Writing in Consumer Behaviour” In Interpreting Objects and Collections (ed) Susan Pierce, London: Routledge.296- 317 [reprinted]

Hui, M., A. Joy, C. Kim, and M. Laroche, (1993)“Equivalence of Lifestyle Dimensions Across Four Major Subcultures in Canada,” Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 5, No. 3 (1993), 15-35

Joy, A., (1993) “The Modern Medicis: Corporations as Consumers of Art,” in Research in Consumer Behavior, (eds.) Russ Belk & J. Costa. Vol. 6. P.29-54

Joy, A. & C. Bayne (1993), “From Community Workshop to Professional Theatre: Audience Development and the Consumption of Art”, Advances in non-profit Marketing, (Ed) Richard Semenik and Gary Bamossy, JAI Press Inc. Greenwich: Connecticut. Vol. 4. P. 79-114

Joy, A., K. Lipke and J. Mackay, (1993)“Maya Weavers of Guatemala: Implications for Marketing and Development, Textiles in Daily Life, The Third Biennial Symposium of the Textile Society of America, September 24-26, Earleville MD: Textile Society of America, INC.

Joy, A & R. R. Dholakia. (1991), “Remembrances of Things Past: The Meaning of Home and Possessions of Indian Professionals in Canada”, Journal of Social Behaviour and Personality, Vol. 6: No. 6, pp. 385-403 [University of Rhode Island Award-winning paper]

Laroche, C. Kim, M. Hui and Annamma. Joy, (1992)”Equivalence of Lifestyle Dimensions across Four Major Subcultures in Canada,” in Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 5. No. 3

Michel Laroche, C. Kim, and Annamma Joy,  (1991)”Ethnicity as a factor in Ownership of Major Financial Services” in International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 9. No. 4. P. 10-17

Joy, A., (1991)”Beyond the Odyssey: Interpretations of Ethnographic Research in Consumer Behavior”, Highways and Buy-ways: Naturalistic Research from the Consumer Behavior Odyssey, (Ed) Russell W. Belk, Association for Consumer Research: Provo, Utah. pp. 216-233

Hui, C. Kim, M. Laroche, and A. Joy, (1992)“An Index of French-English Canadian Ethnicity and Convenience Food Consumption,” in Marketing: Perspective for the 1990s, Robert L. King, ed., Richmond, VA: Southern Marketing Association (1992), pp. 129-134

Joy, A., (1990)”Marketing in China: An Evolutionary Perspective”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Vol. 7: No. 2, pp. 55-67

Joy, A. (1989), “Marketing and Development in Third World Contexts: An Evaluation and Future Directions”, Journal of Macro-marketing, Vol. 9, No. 2. (With C. Ross). (Charles Slater Memorial Award-winning paper)

Selected Grants & Awards


Best Paper award Louis Vuitton And Management University of Singapore (Second Place) – Joy et al.,(2018), Paper presented at the conference on Luxury Brand Management, Management Singapore University, May 2018

Daughters of Ixchel [consulting producer] Awards, 1993

Society for Visual Anthropology Award
American Anthropological Assn. Honoree
International Film & TV Festival of NY Award
Canadian International Film Festival Honoree


Certified Course -Sensory Analysis

Certified Course- Wines of France

Keynote Speaker at the Third International Conference on the Application of Anthropology to Business, May 21-25, Tianjin, China, May 2015

Keynote Speaker, Association of Consumer Research: Gender, Marketing, and Consumer Behavior Conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 2014

Recipient of SSHRC insight grant 2017:” Sensory Profiles and Marketing of  Wine in B. C”

Recipient of SSHRC insight grant 2020: “Kelownafornia “ co-applicant with Greg Garrard et al.

Recipient of SSHRC insight Development grant 2017: “Cannabis marketing”

Recipient of SSHRC Insight Grant 2013: “Luxury Brand Management in India” [with R. Belk],

Recipient of SSHRC Insight Development Grant 2012: “Taste Culture Development and Wine Consumption,”

Member of Editorial Review BoardJournal of Macro-Marketing, Current

Member of Editorial Review BoardConsumption, Markets, and Culture, Current

Member of Editorial Review Board, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Current

Member of Editorial Review Board, Journal of Customer Behavior

VP, Editorial Policy BoardJournal of Consumer Research2007-2008

Member of Editorial Policy Board, Journal of Consumer Research, 2005-2009

Member of Editorial BoardJournal of Consumer Research, 1991-2000


Dean’s list for Teaching, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Ad hoc reviewer, for multiple journals including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research.


Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees

2022 – External Evaluator for appointment as full professor [Dr. Kathryn LaTour],at Northwestern University, Chicago

2022 – External Evaluator for promotion to full Professor [Dr. Claudia Heninger] at he University of Manchester, U.K.

2021 – External examiner for doctoral student dissertation, HEC Montreal

2021 – Reviewer for Research Program, Iceland

2021 – Reviewer for Chair Professorship , University of Guelph

2021 – Reviewer for Tenure, City University of Hong Kong.

2021 – Reviewer for Tenure, University of Texas.


2016-2017 Program committee for Consumer Culture Theory Conference
2010 Program committee, EACR, London
2007 Program committee, ACR Europe conference, Milan, Italy
2006 Co-chair, Art and Marketing Track, Macro-marketing Conference, in St. Petersburg, Florida
2005 Co-chair, Experiential and Emotional Shopping and Consumption Track, EMAC Conference, Milan
2004 Co-chair, session, Marketing Communications, Marketing, and Development Conference, Greece



UBCO research explores next generation of wine appreciation- -October 2021
Interviewed by CBC Kamloops on consumerism and the impact of Black Friday on consumption (Nov. 26, 2014)

Interviewed by CBC Kelowna, about the frenetic desire to purchase, especially on Black Friday (Nov. 25, 2014)

Interviewed by BBC radio on the meaning of possessions and luxury goods (Nov. 24, 2014)

Interviewed about Fast Fashion and sustainability by fashion blogger in Boston (Aug. 2014)

Interviewed by Jim Potoski, An American in Kelowna, “Getting Schooled by Dr. Annamma Joy at UBC Okanagan on Branding and the Impact of Culture on Consumption” (Dec. 2014)


Apologies, but no results were found.