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Adam Saifer
(He, Him, His)Assistant Professor
Faculty of Management
Currently on leaveOffice: EME 4151
Email: adam.saifer@ubc.ca

Research Summary
critical philanthropy studies; nonprofit organizations; sustainable community development; critical management studies; national identity; “the arts” and cultural production; racial capitalism; critical discourse analysis
Courses & Teaching
MGMT380 - Sustainability and Business
Dr. Saifer is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Management at the University of British Columbia Okanagan and co-director of the Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network [PhiLab]. Dr. Saifer is an interdisciplinary scholar whose research draws on theories of capitalism, nation, and race to critically explore organizational phenomena in the nonprofit and philanthropic sector. His research is oriented around themes of social and economic justice, as well as research partnerships with community-led organizations.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Université du Québec à Montréal
PhD, Queen’s University
MA, University of Toronto
BA, McGill University
Research Interests & Projects
Dr. Saifer is currently working on three projects:
(1) Giving beyond growth: Exploring philanthropy’s role in a post-growth future w/ Dr. Jean-Marc Fontan (UQÁM), David Grant-Poitras (UQÁM), and Charles Duprez (École des hautes études en sciences sociales)
(2) Connecting the dots: Investigating institutional philanthropy’s entanglement with right-wing populism in Canada w/ Dr. Fahad Ahmad (Toronto Metropolitan University) and Dr. Paul Sylvestre (uOttawa)
(3) The seniors philanthropy gap: Exploring social justice philanthropy’s neglect of age and aging w/ Dr. Saouré Kouamé (uOttawa) and Dr. Diane Alalouf-Hall (UQÁM)
Selected Publications & Presentations
Journal Articles:
Saifer, A., & Zanoni, P. (2024). The political economy of accountability: Philanthropy’s ‘double dispossession’of racial justice organizations under racial capitalism. Human Relations, 00187267241303268.
Ahmad, F., & Saifer, A. (2024). The ideological work of philanthropic myths: A study of post-pandemic disbursement quota reforms in canada. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 35(4), 649-660.
Saifer, A. (2023). Racial neoliberal philanthropy and the arts for social change. Organization, 30(2), 219-239.
Saifer, A & Dacin, M. T. (2022). Data and organization studies: Aesthetics, emotions, discourse and our everyday encounters with data. Organization Studies, 43(4). 623-636.
Saifer, A., Sidorovska, I., Litalien, M., & Fontan, J-M. (2021). Examining the COVID-19 response of Canadian grantmaking foundations: Possibilities, tensions, and long-term implications. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, (12)1, 14-30.
Saifer, A. (2021). Philanthropic nation Branding, ideology, and accumulation: Insights from the Canadian context. Journal of Business Ethics, (173)3, 559-576.
Saifer, A. (2019). Imagining the exceptional Canada: Nation, art, and social change in Canada’s charitable sector. Journal of Canadian Studies, (53)1, 95-122.
Saifer, A. (2018). Reimagining the creative economy through the lens of multiple colonialisms. Reviews in Cultural Theory, (8)1, 23-38.
Saifer, A. & Gaztambide-Fernández, R. (2017). Choosing the arts: The moral regulation of parents in the educational marketplace. British Journal of Sociology of Education, (8), 1190-1202.
Gaztambide-Fenández, R., Saifer, A., & Desai, C. (2013). “Talent” and the misrecognition of social advantage in specialized arts education. The Roeper Review – A Journal on Gifted Education, (3), 124-135.
Book Chapters:
Saifer, A; Kumar, A. (2023). Nation-building and its exclusions: Elite philanthropy and the limits of social reform. In Eds Mitchell, K, & Pallister-Wilkins, The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Philanthropy and Humanitarianism. (pp. 271-280). Routledge.
Saifer, A. (2023). Cities for people or for elites? Place-based urban innovation through the McConnell Foundation’s Cities for People initiative. In Eds Martinez-Cosio, M, Newton, J, & Pole, N, Prolegomena of Place-Based Philanthropy. (pp. 251-262). Friesen Press.
Alalouf-Hall, D., Saifer, A., Grant-Poitras, D., & Sidorovka, I. (2022). COVID-19 : Aggravation des tensions dans le secteur communautaire Québécois. In Eds Alalouf-Hall, D., Bergeron, C., & Fontan, JM. État des lieux sur la philanthropie subventionnaire québécoise. (pp. 253-271). Presses de l’Université du Québec.