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Faculty of Management
Okanagan Campus
EME4145 – 1137 Alumni Ave
Kelowna, BC Canada
V1V 1V7
Tel 250.807.9462
Fax 250.807.8533
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Faculty of Management Directory
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Amin Ahmadi Digehsara | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | Faculty of Management | | EME 4107
Research Interests: Network Optimization, Public transportation planning, Optimization under Uncertainty, Operational research methodologies
Amir Ardestani-Jaafari | Assistant Professor | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.8108 | EME 4111
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Healthcare Operations, Supply Chain, Business Analytics
Kwame Boateng | Adjunct Professor | Faculty of Management |
Kim Buschert | Faculty of Management Librarian | Faculty of Management, Library Services |
Courses & Teaching: Subject librarian for: Management, Psychology
Mike Chiasson (On Leave) | Professor | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.8248 | EME 4103
Joanna Cockerline, MA | Lecturer | Creative Writing, English and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Management | | 250.807.8273 | CCS 332
Research Interests: Management communications; Science and engineering communications;
Interdisciplinary and intercultural communications; Creative writing; Contemporary Canadian fiction and memoir; Contemporary East African writing and cultural productions; Intersectional feminisms; Survivor narratives; and writing that inspires social change.
Courses & Teaching: ENGL 112 Studies in Composition; MGMT 240 Introduction to Management Communications; CORH 321 Personal and Professional Identity and Interpersonal Communication; CRWR 217 Intermediate Workshop in Creative Writing: Fiction
Adrienne Cook (On Leave) | Faculty Programs Assistant | Faculty of Management | | EME 4157
Allyssa Costerton-Grant, MM, BAPC | Director, Strategic Initiatives and Operations | Faculty of Management | | EME 4101
Keith Culver (On Leave) | Senior Associate Dean; Professor; Director, UBC STAR | Faculty of Management, Survive and Thrive Applied Research (STAR) | | 250.807.9875 | EME 4153
M.J. D'Elia | Adjunct Instructor | Faculty of Management |
Jennifer Davis | Associate Professor | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.9507 | EME 4123
Graduate student supervisor
Courses & Teaching: Undergraduate Courses: Topic coverage includes operations management, health economics, clinically applied economic evaluation, multiple imputation of missing data, research methods, and biostatistics.
Graduate Courses: Topics taught include epidemiological methods (led problem-based learning groups), research methods in rehabilitation: taught multiple imputation of missing data, conducting systematic reviews and instructor for a web-based course – Quality of Life Program: A CIHR Training Program in Rehabilitation Research.
Mackenzie Dunlop | Executive Coordinator | Faculty of Management | | EME 4145
Tamara Ebl, CPA,CA | Lecturer | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.9221 | EME 4127
MGMT 201 / 301 Introduction to Financial Accounting
MGMT 202 / 302 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
MGMT 330 Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
MGMT 360 Business Conditions Analysis
MGMT 401 Intermediate Managerial Accounting
MGMT 403 Auditing and Assurance Services
MGMT 405 Advanced Managerial Accounting
MGMT 419H Special Topics in Management: Corporate Governance
MGMT 531 Leadership
Grace Fan | Assistant Professor | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.9717 | EME 4131
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Organization theory; Institutional logics; Emotions and institutions; Social-symbolic work;
Environmental sustainability; Inequality;
Community-based entrepreneurship; Social entrepreneurship
Indigenous resurgence; Peoplehood model; Two-Eyed Seeing; Decolonization; Reconciliation;
Feminist care ethics;
Community-based participatory research; Ethnography
Courses & Teaching: MGMT 100 Introduction to Business
MGMT 450 Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Russ Fields | Adjunct Professor | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.9462 | EME 4159
Sarah Gumpinger | Lecturer | Faculty of Management | | EME 4149
Dustin Gumpinger | Visiting Faculty | Faculty of Management | | EME 4149
Tanja Halsall | Adjunct Professor | Faculty of Management |
Dayl Hancock | Manager, Academic Programs | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.9167 | EME 4101
Ross Hickey | Associate Professor | Economics, Faculty of Management | | 250.807.8653 | EME 4154
Research Interests: Public finance and political economy; fiscal policy (government expenditure and taxation) and how it is influenced by interactions within a hierarchy of governments (municipal, provincial and federal); elections; lobbying activity.
Courses & Teaching: Public finance; empirical economics; macroeconomics
Sandy Hilton | Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning; Associate Professor of Teaching | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.8254 | EME 4161
Gady Jacoby | Dean | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.9462 | EME 4145B
Annamma Joy | Associate Dean, Research; Professor | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.8606 | EME 4129
Research Interests: Sustainability in Art, Fashion, and Wine; Wine Tourism, Artification Process; Luxury Brand Marketing and Management; Gender, Levinas and the Ethics of recognition.
Courses & Teaching: Undergraduate Courses:
MGMT 440 Brands, Culture and Marketing
MGMT 442 Consumer Behavior
MGMT 441-Marketing Strategy
MGMT 220-Introductory marketing
Graduate Courses:
Brand Management (Ph.D.)
Consumer Culture Theory (Ph.D.)
Andrea Klassen | Academic Advisor – Faculty of Management Specialist | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.8566 | UNC 2071
Kelli Lethbridge | Academic Programs Coordinator | Faculty of Management | | EME 4157
Eric Li, PhD | Associate Dean, Professional Graduate Programs; Associate Professor | Faculty of Management, Institute for Community Engaged Research (ICER), Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention (IHLCDP), Interdisciplinary Co-op Education, Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS), Survive and Thrive Applied Research (STAR) | | 250.807.8853 | EME 4125
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Consumer culture; Social Innovation and social enterprise, Healthy living and well-being; Food consumption and food security; Digital economy, Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of People (IoP); Digital marketing and consumption, Ethical consumerism and prosocial behaviour, Corporate philanthropy, Circular and sustainable Fashion.
Courses & Teaching: MGMT220/320 Introduction to Marketing (undergraduate)
MGMT441 Marketing Strategy (undergraduate)
MGMT444 Marketing Research (undergraduate)
MGMT449A Digital and Social Media Marketing (undergraduate)
MGMT495 Directed Studies on Fashion Advertising (2012), Digital Consumption and Marketing (2013), Fashion and Cultural Heritage (2014), Family Identity and Consumption (2018)
MGMT536B – Enterprise and Innovation (Marketing module)
MGMT541 – Applied Research Methods
MGMT544A – Applied Project
IGS509 Directed Studies in Interdisciplinary Research Methods (graduate)
IGS515 Qualitative Methods for Management Research (graduate)
IGS520A Special Topics on Digital Marketing and Consumption (graduate)
IGS524 Applied Research Methods (graduate)
Mandy Little | Co-op & Career Coordinator | Faculty of Management, Interdisciplinary Co-op Education | | 250.807.9623 | EME 2171
Candice Loring, MBA | Faculty of Management |
Barb Marcolin | Associate Professor | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.9637 | EME 4113
Graduate student supervisor
Courses & Teaching: Undergraduate Courses:
MGMT 250 Introduction to IT Management
MGMT 360 Business Conditions Analysis
MGMT 425 Strategic Entrepreneurial Technology
Morgan Marshall (On Leave) | Associate Coordinator | Faculty of Management, Interdisciplinary Co-op Education | | 250.807.8243 | EME 2171
Jana Martin | Lecturer | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.9462 | EME 4101/4161
Myles Mattila | Faculty Programs Assistant | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.8678 | EME 4145
Tasia-Li McGrew | Sessional Lecturer | Faculty of Management |
Nathan Pelletier | Associate Professor | Biology, Faculty of Management | | 250.807.8245 | FIP 340
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Sustainability measurement and management; life cycle thinking; environmental and social life cycle assessment of food, feed and biomass supply chains; resource efficiency; social license and market access; trade-based externalization of environmental and social risk.
Courses & Teaching: Sustainable food systems; sustainability measurement and management; ecological economics.
Paul Pickard | Adjunct Professor | Faculty of Management | | EME 4101
Monic Pratch | Sessional Lecturer | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.9462 | EME 4101/4161
Courses & Teaching: MGMT 480 Law and Business
Cayla Reeve | Academic Programs Coordinator | Faculty of Management | | 4157
Meghan Reid | Co-op & Career Coordinator | Faculty of Management, Interdisciplinary Co-op Education | | 250.807.8235 | EME 2171
Adam Saifer (On Leave) | Assistant Professor | Faculty of Management | | EME 4151
Research Interests: critical philanthropy studies; nonprofit organizations; sustainable community development; critical management studies; national identity; “the arts” and cultural production; racial capitalism; critical discourse analysis
Courses & Teaching: MGMT380 - Sustainability and Business
Stacey Sandison | Adjunct Professor | Faculty of Management |
Jamie Snow | Director, Interdisciplinary Co-op & Experiential Education | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.9206 | EME 2173
Roger Sugden (On Leave) | Professor | Faculty of Management | | EME 4145
Asfiya Taji | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | Faculty of Management |
Marcela Valania | Honorary Research Associate, Sessional Lecturer | Faculty of Management | | EME 4141
Patrick Vanderburg | Operations and Faculty Assistant | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.8462 | EME 4145
David Walker, PhD | Assistant Professor (Tenure) | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.9801 | EME 4105
Graduate student supervisor
Courses & Teaching: Undergraduate Courses:
MGMT 230 Organizational Behaviour
MGMT 411 Human Resource Management
MGMT 419k Special Topics in Management – Service Human Resource Management
Graduate Courses:
MGMT 530 Organizational Behaviour
MGMT 533 Human Resources
Norine Webster | Lecturer | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.8847 | EME 4109
Sheila Westwell | Lecturer | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.9462 | EME 4121
Ying Zhu, PhD | Associate Professor | Faculty of Management | | 250.807.9836 | EME 4147
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Dr. Zhu’s primary research interests include digital marketing, branding, consumer behavior, business analytics, and social networks. She has two streams of research: 1) investigating the impact of technology on consumers and the antecedents and consequences of consumer use of technology (e.g., AI, Metaverse) and 2) examining the effectiveness of different marketing strategies (e.g., digital marketing, business networks) and the importance of branding (e.g., brand extension).
Courses & Teaching: MGMT 441 Marketing Strategy
MGMT 442 Consumer Behavior
MGMT 461 Service Marketing
MGMT 100 Introduction to Business
Nikki Zwaagstra | Special Projects Administrator | Faculty of Management | | EME 4159