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Barb Marcolin
Associate Professor
Faculty of Management
Office: EME 4113Phone: 250.807.9637
Email: barb.marcolin@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Courses & Teaching
Undergraduate Courses:
MGMT 250 Introduction to IT Management
MGMT 360 Business Conditions Analysis
MGMT 425 Strategic Entrepreneurial Technology
Dr Marcolin joined the Faculty of Management at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan campus in July 2012, having taught systems perspectives for 17 years at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, and the Richard Ivey School of Business, Western University, Ontario.
From 2003 to 2010, Dr Marcolin practiced IT research in high tech entrepreneurial companies in Saint John, New Brunswick, as Research Director and Privacy Officer managing technology research and IP/patents.
Dr Marcolin’s research interests focus on both the individual level use and business level technology value. She studies user competence, web interactivity, fast features, outsourcing, partnering, participatory requirements, user experience, user-centered technology design, academic-industry partnerships, user expectations, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) research methods and effective use of technology.
Specific interests include entrepreneurial technology where rapid technology requirements co-discovered with users shape technological advances into new startups or new software services and product lines.
Recent academic publication includes republishing an IS outsourcing article within SAGE publications as an exemplar across North America and Europe.
Recent industry work includes running three technical and evidence-based behavioural outcomes research pilots for web-based technology, successfully defining the business health and wellness technical capabilities, features, and functions for an organizational wellness program application.
As Research Director in industry, she secured industry research grants for a private and secure web-based portal software solution that delivers corporate wellness programs.
Her research has been published in leading journals including Information Systems Research, Information & Management, and leading books including SAGE publications.
She served in editorial roles in MIS Quarterly and was a member of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada’s grants adjudication committees.
Dr Marcolin also held a visiting position in Hong Kong. She consulted to business.
She also participated in many program-level and area-level curriculum development activities, such as the redesign of the Haskayne School of Business Undergraduate and Master level programs, including an ecommerce redesign.
Ph.D, Richard Ivey School of Business, Western University, Ontario
BComm, Haskayne School of Management, University of Calgary, Alberta
Selected Publications & Presentations
Selected Grants & Awards
National Research Council IRAP Innovation Award for research conducted, 2010
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) 3-year Standard Research Grant, Chad Saunders, Principle Investigator. Title: Making Collections of Information Systems Work in Practice, $40,000, 2008
SSHRC 3-year Standard Research Grant $56,000 Title: The self-management of continuous IT learning, 1998
Alberta Energy Corporation (AEC) Scholarship, 1994, 1996, 1997
Future Fund Summer Grant, Haskayne School of Business, 1995
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship (SSHRC), 1991-1993
National Centre for Management Research and Development Doctoral Fellowship (NCMRD), 1992
Special University Scholarship, University of Western Ontario, 1989-1991